The story is set in Australia, and involves an orphaned city boy named Simon Brent who comes to live on a 5000 acre sheep station called Wongadilla, in the Hunter Region, with his mother's second cousins, Edie and Charlie.
Dancing with the Stars | Kill Rock Stars | Dallas Stars | WAMPAS Baby Stars | Oshkosh All-Stars | Minnesota North Stars | Chicago Red Stars | Shooting Stars | Pawn Stars | The Plough and the Stars | Dancing with the Stars (U.S. TV series) | Veliki Brat VIP All Stars | The Fault in Our Stars | Stars | Free State Stars F.C. | Fania All-Stars | Dancing With the Stars | The Fault in Our Stars (film) | Stars & Stripes | Stars Fell on Alabama | Stars (Canadian band) | List of NBA All-Stars | Dancing with the Stars (US TV series) | The Way to the Stars | The Stars From The Commitments | The Stars and Stripes Forever | The Jewel of Seven Stars | Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth) | Syracuse Stars | Super Mario All-Stars |