Marie Winn eventually became a journalist whose books include The Plug-In Drug, a scathing critique on television's influence over children.
Winn is the author of the influential The Plug-In Drug (1977), an often scathing critique of television's addictive influence on the young, Winn wrote, "The television experience allows the participant to blot out the real world and enter into a pleasurable and passive mental state."
Other notable shows in the early days included Editors, Four Tet, Explosions in the Sky and two successive sell-out Saturday night appearances by emerging Sheffield act Arctic Monkeys.
Winn was even more hostile to the Internet and the World Wide Web than she had been to television itself twenty-five years before.
The Plug-In Drug: Television, Children, And The Family is a book of social criticism written by Marie Winn and published in 1977 by Viking Penguin with the ISBN 0140076980.
The Plug-In Drug | spark plug | Mustard Plug | VESA Plug and Display | Universal Plug and Play | Telephone plug | Spark plug | Plug Uglies | Plug Me In | Plug-in electric vehicle | PLUG Independent Music Awards | Plug compatible | plug | Phase plug | Cervical mucus plug |
Since version 0.10, the plug-ins come grouped into three sets (named after the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly),
On June 21, 2007, at 5 PM, during the Tom Leykis show, CBS Radio decided to pull the plug and began stunting with an effeminate male, known as "Ronaldo", playing all-Paris Hilton music in an attempt to demand for the release of her from jail (she was serving a brief jail sentence at the time).
After station bosses pulled the plug on Marin as solo anchor in October 2000, WBBM then made MacLennan an interim 10 p.m. co-anchor, alongside David Kerley.
At one point in the movie, Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman), who is infatuated with Mr. Freeze and his powers, pulls the plug on Nora’s cryogenic tank in an attempt to kill her and have Freeze to herself.
However, with the introduction of EN60898 MCBs and the increased use of RCD protection for general purpose socket outlets in the UK (under BS7671: 2008 and earlier editions of the same standard) means that it is now more likely that the circuit protective device will operate before the plug fuse.
The feature’s name derives from the genus of lichen, Usnea, prevalent on the plug and in this vicinity, and results from geological work by an American field party in early 1969.
He did, however, deal with the crisis of the June 1857 Election Riots, in which the Know-Nothings recruited a street gang from Baltimore, the Plug-Uglies, to come to Washington on its local Election Day and intimidate the voters at the polls; the Plug-Uglies turned away anti-Know-Nothing voters with rocks, guns, and knives, until some citizens brought weapons of their own and the violence grew into mob rule.