
unusual facts about The Politics of Anti-Semitism

The Politics of Anti-Semitism

The Politics of Anti-Semitism (ISBN 1902593774) is a book edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair and published by AK Press in 2003.


March 22 – The first example of an anti-Semitic blood libel is recorded in England, in connection with the murder of William of Norwich.

Abraham Furtado

Arthur Hertzberg, The French Enlightenment and the Jews: The Origins of Modern Anti-Semitism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1968.

Alain Finkielkraut

Israeli filmmaker Eyal Sivan took legal action against Finkielkraut in response to the accusation that Sivan “is, if you will, one of the actors in this particularly painful, particularly alarming reality, the Jewish anti-Semitism that rages today.

Alfred-Henri-Marie Baudrillart

Baudrillart initially supported the Vichy government of Marshal Philippe Pétain, along with Cardinal Suhard, and in August 1941 - as a fervent anti-communist - even supported the creation of a Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism; however in early 1942 he openly protested in public against the anti-Semitic measures of the Vichy government in shops and theatres; he also decried the Hitler regime as unhuman (in private conversation).

András Schiff

He has also become an outspoken critic of the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán, whom he has publicly accused of racism, anti-Semitism, and neo-fascism, stating in January 2012 that he would never again set foot in his native country.

On January 14, 2012, in an interview with the German newspaper Der Tagesspiel Schiff accused the Viktor Orbán government of racism, anti-Semitism and neo-fascism, and declared that he would never set foot in Hungary again.

Aviva Kempner

She is the scriptwriter, director and producer of The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg, a film about the Jewish slugger who fought anti-Semitism in the 1930s and 1940s.

Bernard Faÿ

Despite his anti-Semitism, Faÿ, who was suspected to be a Gestapo agent for much of the occupation, protected Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.

Constantin Costa-Foru

Constantin Costa-Foru was a vocal supporter of human rights, and accused the growing anti-Semitism in the post-World War I Romania.

D. D. Guttenplan

Guttenplan’s account of the case, The Holocaust on Trial, was described by Ian Buruma in the New Yorker as “a mixture of superb reportage and serious reflection—about the role of Jewish identity politics in the United States, anti-Semitism in Britain, the historiography of the Cold War, and so on.”

Elkan Naumburg

Naumburg was born in Treuchtlingen, Bavaria, in 1835, and emigrated with his parents to the United States at age 15 to escape the growing anti-Semitism of his native land.

Gennady Kostyrchenko

Kostyrchenko was pronounced "Man of the Year 5762" by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia for his book "Тайная политика Сталина. Власть и антисемитизм" (Stalin's Secret Politics. Power and anti-Semitism).

Gewehr 1888

Some early models had flaws due to rushed ammunition production; anti-Semitic factions within the German press exploited the flaws alleging a conspiracy between one of the rifle’s manufacturers, the Ludwig Loewe Company, and other Jewish owned manufactures, including the firm manufacturing the smokeless powder.

Gisela C. Lebzelter

Scholars who study British fascism and antisemitism frequently cite her 1978 book Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939—a revision of her thesis submitted to St Antony's College, Oxford.


According to Fleming, such anti-Hamitic ideology was originally born out of a desire to combat anti-Semitism and racism in general within academia during World War II.

Hans-Ulrich Wehler

During the "Goldhagen Controversy" of 1996, Wehler was a leading critic of Daniel Goldhagen, especially in regards to the latter's claims in his book Hitler's Willing Executioners about an alleged culture of murderous German "eliminationist anti-Semitism", though Wehler was more sympathetic towards Goldhagen's claims concerning the motives of Holocaust perpetrators.

Heinrich Heine

Other events conspired to make Heine loathe this period of his life: he was expelled from a student fraternity for anti-Semitic reasons and he heard the news that his cousin Amalie had become engaged.

Hermann Aron

Anti-semitism continued to grow in Germany, and in 1935 the family sold the business to Siemens-Schuckert and fled to the USA.

Ilmar Reepalu

Hannah Rosenthal, the then U.S. Special Envoy of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, said that Reepalu had made "anti-Semitic statements" and that Malmö under Reepalu represented a "prime example" of "new anti-Semitism", where anti-Israel sentiment serves as a thin guise for Jew-hatred.

International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism

LICRA received considerable media attention during the case of LICRA v. Yahoo!, in which it brought charges against Yahoo! for selling Nazi memorabilia to people in France in violation of French laws proposed, passed, and used by and for LICRA.

Jean Sarkozy

The cartoonist Siné came under sharp criticism and was sacked from his magazine after accusing Jean Sarkozy of converting out of ambition and being sued by the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA).

Karen Arenson

In 2005 Arenson scooped other journalists by being the first to report on the results of a widely reported on committee investigating anti-Semitism related to Joseph Massad at Columbia University.

Limerick Boycott

Limerick Boycott 1904: Anti-Semitism in Ireland, Mercier Press, 2005.

Máire Mhac an tSaoi

As a member of Aosdána she became a key opponent of the Catholic convert and nationalist Francis Stuart, a one-time son-in-law of Maud Gonne, for his perceived anti-Semitism.

Matt McCarten

In response to this article, Israel's Ambassador to Australia and non-resident Ambassador to New Zealand, Yuval Rotem, sharply criticized McCarten and accused him of "blunt anti-Israel sentiment which is a camouflage for anti-Semitism".

Matthias Küntzel

Since 2001, his main field of research and writing have been anti-Semitism in current Islamic thinking, Islamism, Islamism and National Socialism, Iran, German and Western policies towards the Middle East and Iran.

Nazi foreign policy debate

Martin Broszat, a functionalist historian, has been noted many times to point towards an ideological foreign policy; fuelled by anti-Semitism, anti-Communism and Lebensraum.

Numerus clausus

MG Synnot, 'Anti-Semitism and American Universities: Did Quotas Follow the Jews?', in Jeffrey S. Gurock (ed), Anti-Semitism in America (Routledge 1998) vol.

Pál Teleki

Because of his close connection with Hungarian anti-Semitism there was a strong opposition both by Hungarian Liberals and Hungarian and international Jewish organizations, especially the Simon Wiesenthal Center and its leader Efraim Zuroff.

Papyrus 110

All other witnesses have εξερχομενοι, a nominative plural participle, normally interpreted as semitism for an imperative (Leave!).

Pester Lloyd

Being published outside the Third Reich's borders until World War II, Pester Lloyd was not subject to Nazi Gleichschaltung and thus, in an article on September 16, 1935, openly criticized the antisemitic Nuremberg Laws of 1935.

Philip K. Eichner

First, in 2004, when accusations of anti-Semitism were raised against Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, Eichner was a strong public supporter of the film.

Robert Schadewald

It consisted of about a thousand volumes advocating various unorthodox ideas: hollow-earth, geocentricity, creationism, Velikovskyism, perpetual motion, racism, anti-semitism, anti-Catholicism, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, flying saucers, bizarre religions, and so forth, as well as the worlds most extensive collection of 19th and 20th century flat-earth literature.

Romanian Front

After the collapse of the government and the emergence of Gheorghe Tătărescu as Prime Minister, the Romanian Front was born (in 1935) to pursue a more aggressive policy of anti-Semitism and fascism.

Sam Goldbloom

After the war, he became a prominent member of the Australian Labor Party, and was also active in the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism.

Textbooks in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

In 1998, two years before the Al-Aqsa intifada, Democrat member of United States House of Representatives Peter Deutsch and other congressmembers directed the State Department to ask UNRWA to investigate evidence that school books used in UNRWA-run schools in the West Bank and Gaza contained anti-Semitic statements.

The War Against the Jews

She contents that similarities between Luther's anti-Jewish writings, especially On the Jews and Their Lies, and modern anti-Semitism are no coincidence, because they derived from a common history of Judenhass (Jew-hatred), which she traces back to the biblical Haman's advice to Ahasuerus.

Two Hundred Years Together

John Klier, a historian at University College London, describes the charges of anti-Semitism as "misguided", but at the same time writes that in his account of the pogroms of the early 20th century, Solzhenitsyn is far more concerned with exonerating the good name of the Russian people than he is with the suffering of the Jews, and he accepts the czarist government's canards blaming the pogroms on provocations by the Jews themselves.

Vlaams Blok

The party was according to political scientist Cas Mudde only very rarely accused of anti-Semitism – and even then, it was strongly condemned by the party leadership.

Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism

On June 20, 2011, less than three weeks after Yale said YIISA would be closed, Yale's provost Peter Salovey announced the creation of a new program for the study of antisemitism named the "Yale Program for the Study of Anti-Semitism" (YPSA).

see also