
unusual facts about The Private Secretary

The Private Secretary

In 1886, Tyrone Power made his stage debut playing Gibson in a production of the play.

see also

Aaron Rule

He is the private secretary and advisor to former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.

Adam Reusner

From 1526 to 1528, he was the private secretary of the captain Georg von Frundsberg to the German mercenaries in Italy.

Alfred Jefferson Vaughan, Jr.

In this work Vaughan served as the private secretary of Alfred Cumming (uncle of Confederate general Alfred Cumming) who represented the railway in peace treaty talks with the Indians living on the upper portion of the Missouri River.

Ambrose Serle

Serle was the private secretary to the British general William Howe.

Amedeo Preziosi

Two years later, in 1844, Preziosi was commissioned by Robert Curzon, the private secretary of the British Ambassador to Istanbul, Lord Stratford Canning, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe to create an album called Costumes of Constantinople, which now is located in the collections of the British Museum.

Carl Gustav Jablonsky

He was also the private secretary to the Queen of Prussia, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern.

Dublin Evening Mail

Halpine was among other things the private secretary to P. T. Barnum, became a prominent journalist with the New York Times, a decorated soldier in the 69th New York Volunteer Infantry and in the Irish Brigade (where his letters, sent as "Private Myles O'Reilly", to the media defending the union became famous), and a key figure in the creation of the United States Army's first African American regiment.

Guido van Gheluwe

From 1952 until 1955 he was the private secretary of the minister for Belgian Congo.

Hazard Stevens

He then met P. B. Van Trump, who was working as the private secretary to Marshall F. Moore, the seventh governor of the territory.

Henri de Catt

Henri Alexandre de Catt (25 June 1725–23 November 1795), a Swiss scholar, was from 1758 the private secretary and close confidant of Frederick the Great of Prussia.

Ian Patrick

Ian Patrick was the Private Secretary to the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina when Paddy Ashdown occupied the role, working with Edward Llewellyn (Conservative adviser).

Russian–German Legion

Ernst Moritz Arndt, the private secretary to the pro-Russian Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, acted as head propagandist to entrants to the Legion.

Thomas Moore-Lane

He was also the private secretary to the Marquis of Tweedale, Sir Edward Gambier, Governor of Fort St. George.