Edward William "Win" Bear is a Ute Indian who works for the Denver Police Department in a version of the United States projected (by 1986) to be controlled by an anti-business, ecofascist faction complete with a new Federal Security Police (FSP, or "SecPol" as it is more commonly known) reminiscent of the Gestapo.
probability theory | probability | Broach | Probability | Probability theory | probability distribution | Posterior probability | Elise Broach | Probability Theory | Probability space | Probability mass function | Probability distribution | Joint probability distribution | History of probability | Frequentist probability | Electronic Communications in Probability | Conditional probability distribution | BROACH warhead | Broach spire |
In L. Neil Smith's North American Confederacy series of novels, beginning with The Probability Broach, an alternate-history LaPorte is one of the major cities of North America, occupying roughly half the area of Larimer County, and with a population of over two million people; whereas the city of Denver does not exist: In its place are the two small historic settlements of Saint Charles Town and Auraria.