Due to the success of the first film, a sequel film is in development by Universal and Blumhouse in the near future.
On June 10, 2013 Universal Pictures and Jason Blum announced the development of the sequel, after the success of The Purge.
Great Purge | Sons of Anarchy | purge | Anarchy in the U.K. | Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed | Anarchy | anarchy | Purge (comic) | Purge | List of gangs from Sons of Anarchy#Devil's Tribe | The Purge: Anarchy | The Purge | The Masque of Anarchy | rural purge | On purge bébé | List of gangs in Sons of Anarchy#Devil's Tribe | Legal purge in Norway after World War II | Jeong Yeorip's Purge | Charming (Sons of Anarchy) | Anarchy Online | Anarchy (magazine) | Anarchy Club |
"The Return of the Archons", a 1967 episode of Star Trek in which an otherwise placid society is allowed pre-scheduled 12-hour periods of lawlessness and violence.
Madeinusa, a 2005 film about a village that believes it is impossible to sin from Good Friday to Easter.