
2 unusual facts about The Rainbow Thief

King Shot

Jodorowsky described the film, which would have been his first since the 1990 film The Rainbow Thief, as a "metaphysical gangster movie." The story was set in a casino in the desert and involved gangsters, the discovery of a man as big as King Kong, and Marilyn Manson as a 300 year old pope.

The Rainbow Thief

It was released in cinemas in London (May 1990), Italy (Il Ladro dell'arcobaleno, 1990), France (Le voleur d'arc-en-ciel, Paris, 1994) and, after, Spain (El ladrón del Arco iris, Cine Doré, Madrid, 2011); but it was never released in American cinemas.

see also

Abel Cain

Alejandro Jodorowsky began attempting to resurrect his film career in the mid-nineties after becoming disillusioned with the business during his poor experience on The Rainbow Thief and attempted to market a sequel to his classic El Topo, and created a teaser poster.