
unusual facts about The Revelations

The Revelations

Their first single, in 2005, was "You're the Loser", on the indie label Fierce Panda Records.

see also


Much of it consisted of an integration of medicine as understood from the revelations of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and the practices of Pre-Islamic Arabia with Ancient Greek medicine, quoting heavily from the ideas and terminologies of Hippocrates and Ibn Sina.

Bank secrecy

Swiss bank secrecy was dealt a severe setback by the revelations made by ex-UBS banker Bradley Charles Birkenfeld, who blew the whistle on UBS providing Americans with vehicles to hide up US$20 billion in assets to avoid taxes.

Cordelia Botkin

John Dunning, his career destroyed by the revelations during the trial, had died two years previously in Philadelphia.

Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks

After the revelations of whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld in 2007, UBS—which was then the largest bank in the world—was caught red-handed by the United States government offering tax evasion strategies, sending undercover bankers with encrypted computers to the United States.

Gospel in Islam

The word Injil is used in the Quran, the Hadith and early Muslim documents to refer specifically to the revelations made by God to Jesus.

John Eudes

Influenced by the teaching of the French school and St. Francis de Sales, especially as set out in the Treatise on the Love of God, and also by the revelations of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde, he was the theoretician, so to speak, of devotion to the Sacred Heart and explained the expressions of his predecessors.

Margaret Wingfield

Wingfield served on the Liberal Party Council from 1962 and was president of the party during the time of the revelations about Jeremy Thorpe's private life and his subsequent resignation as leader.

Pension Mimosas

Lazare Meerson created a detailed but unobtrusive set which presented the various areas of the hotel as an integrated whole, facilitating the revelations and interactions of the drama.

Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah

Jellinek thinks (l.c.) that there were several haggadic midrashim to Canticles, each of which interpreted the book differently, one referring it to the exodus from Egypt, another to the revelations on Mt. Sinai, and a third to the Tabernacle or the Temple in Jerusalem; and that all these midrashim were then combined into one work, which, with various additions, forms the present Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah.

Thomas J. Fiscus

The revelations about Fiscus surfaced around the time of other scandals involving Air Force officers Colonel Michael D. Murphy and Brigadier General Richard S. Hassan.