
3 unusual facts about The Rules of the Game

Doc Films

Occasionally, Doc screens films which have not yet been released to the general public in the area, including The Rules of the Game and Brokeback Mountain.

Jacques Becker

During the 1930s he worked as an assistant to director Jean Renoir during his peak period, which produced such cinematic masterpieces as La Grande Illusion and The Rules of the Game.

Roger Désormière

Beginning in 1932 he became closely involved in music for films with Pathé-Nathan, composing music for La Règle du jeu, Le Mariage de Chiffon, and Le Voyageur de la Toussaint.

see also

Das Bohnenspiel

A detailed analysis of the rules of the game shows the bean game to be very similar to Central Asian and Arab mancala games, such as Turkish mangala, Palestinian Al-manqala, and Iraqi Halusa.

Franklin D'Olier

He said to Marquis James, "I don't feel welcome down here any more. There are a lot of people in this neighborhood (referring to Wall Street) who used to think I was a pretty descent, respectable business man who knew the rules of the game and played by them. Now they treat me as if I belonged to the I.W.W." (A History of the American Legion" by Marquis James. Pg. 141 Wm Green. 1923.)


The rules of the game were improved shortly thereafter by the respected monk, Hermannus Contractus, from Reichenau, and in the school of Liège.

Scrum pattern

By formalizing empirical experiences into best practices to form the Scrum framework, this movement has been accelerated, particularly after October 2011 when Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland released "The Scrum Guide, The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game".