The success included television performances on The Tonight Show and House of Blues.
It also took pride in local artists, frequently spinning tracks from The Samples, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Rick Redington and The Chad Hollister Band, among others.
The Samples | Quality Samples Program | A number of DNA samples from specimens of ''Littorina plena |
Some of the their achievements include a SXSW performance at the Hard Rock Café and a highly attended industry showcase in the UK, as well as a handful of opening performances for national acts like Glenn Tilbrook of Squeeze, Vanessa Carlton, The Samples and Fuel.
The song has been covered by Gwen Guthrie (1992), The Samples (1997), Matisyahu for the benefit album Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur (2007), and Charly García under the name "Mirando las ruedas" for his album Kill Gil (2010).
The samples in the intro The Gathering are taken from the so-called Halt Tape, which allegedly has been recorded during the Rendlesham Forest incident on December 26, 1980.
The samples of the menacing voice saying "Beware, I live!", "I hunger", "Run, coward!", and "Beware, coward!" in the song "Grand Ol' Party Crash" are from the 1982 arcade game Sinistar.
If this is not inherent in the order in which samples arrive, then the samples are taken from an incoming queue according to customer demand and thereafter processed in FIFO order with no overtaking.
Like the samples of interest, the marker is also derivitized with a fluorophore (usually with 8-aminonapthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (ANTS) or 2-aminoacridone).
This version is 2:55 in length, and has all of the samples from Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" removed.
In the 1980s he turned to the study of the interaction of dislocations with interstitial hydrogen, acting as a mobile point defect, and hence on reliable methods for electrolytically introducing H in the samples, controlling the occurrence of hydride precipitation.
In 1985 Veigel spoke the samples for a German version of Paul Hardcastle's single 19 which reached Number 1 in Germany.
The samples will be sent to GNS Science, a New Zealand Crown Research Institute, for analysis.