
unusual facts about The Seeds

The Seeds

After the dissolution of the Seeds, Sky Saxon joined the Yahowha religious group, inspired by their leader Father Yod.

Dirty Water Club

The club has also seen some original 1960s performers, such as The Monks, Kim Fowley, and Sky Saxon of The Seeds, grace its stage.

Gary Marker

In 1978, he featured on an album by Juicy Groove, alongside vocalist Michael Rainbow Neal (ex-The Seeds), guitarists Mars Bonfire (ex-Steppenwolf), Elliot Ingber (ex-Mothers of Invention and Magic Band) and drummer Thundercloud, son of former bandmate Ed Cassidy.

Goodstock Music Festival

The original band lineup included headliners such as Jefferson Starship, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Iron Butterfly, Sky Saxon and The Seeds, and Mind Garage.

Spirits in the Sky

The band played six shows in California, playing songs Corgan had written for the new Smashing Pumpkins album, Teargarden by Kaleidyscope, as well as covers of songs by The Seeds, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, Jethro Tull, Quicksilver Messenger Service, and others.

see also

2014 Hopman Cup

The seeds for the 2014 Hopman Cup will be decided by tournament director Steve Ayles, Paul Kilderry, Kim Hames and Terry Waldron.

Abronia umbellata

While Collignon and his shipmates perished in a wreck near Vanikoro, some of his collection had previously been shipped back to France during a stop at the Portuguese-held Macao, including the seeds of Abronia umbellata.

Acacia maitlandii

The seeds have been identified, analysed, and monitored, as a 'wild harvested Australian indigenous food', by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

Allyl isothiocyanate

Allyl isothiocyanate comes from the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra) or brown Indian mustard (Brassica juncea).

Babassu oil

Babassu oil or cusi oil is a clear light yellow vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the babassu palm (Attalea speciosa), which grows in the Amazon region of South America.

Blériot V

The wings, which could be folded upwards for transport and had no wire bracing, were made of wood covered with varnished paper and were of a complex design probably inspired by the seeds of the Zanonia tree.

Brassica nigra

In Ethiopia, where it is cultivated as a vegetable in Gondar, Harar and Shewa, the shoots and leaves are consumed cooked and the seeds used as a spice.

Butler's Corella

The corellas feed extensively on the seeds of cereal crops, the seeds of weeds such as Cape Weed and Double Gee, as well as the corms of Onion Grass and insect larvae.


Paradol, the active flavor constituent of the seeds of Guinea pepper

Camellia oleifera

Tea seed oil is the name given to the oil created by pressing the seeds of Camellia oleifera.

Carex pilulifera

These stalks bend as the seeds ripen, and the seeds are collected and dispersed by ants of the species Myrmica ruginodis.

Ceanothus cuneatus

Harvester ants have been known to cache the seeds, which can lie dormant for a long time since fire is required for germination.

Cenchrus biflorus

It is also found in India, where the seeds are used in Rajasthan and its Marwar region to make bread, either alone or mixed with bajra (millet).

Cerbera manghas

Because of its deadly poisonous seeds, the genus name is derived from Cerberus, the hell dog from the Greek mythology, thus indicating the toxicity of the seeds.

Charles Ledger

Ledger did a great service to the world, as millions of cinchona trees grown in India and Java sprang originally from the seeds he collected.

Cherokee purple

The tomato was named in line with the note that accompanied the seeds, and a sample of seeds were sent that winter to Jeff McCormack, founder of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, as well as listed in the Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) Yearbook 1991 edition.

Clement of Ireland

Though St. Clement is no longer claimed as founder of the University of Paris, the fact remains that this remarkable Scots-Irish scholar planted the seeds of learning at Paris.

Cnidoscolus texanus

The fruits are prickly 3-seeded capsules and the seeds are consumed by Rio Grande Wild Turkeys and Mourning Doves.

Corydalis nobilis

Both Lamprocampnos and Corydalis are members of the Papaveraceae family, with seeds having an attached elaiosome that makes them attractive to ants, which disperse the seeds.

Cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil is a cooking oil extracted from the seeds of cotton plants of various species, mainly Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium herbaceum, that are grown for cotton fiber, animal feed, and oil.

Crosskirk Broch

Samples found at Crosskirk and Bu also include the seeds of other plants such as fat hen, sorrel and chick weed.

Dipsacus fullonum

The seeds are an important winter food resource for some birds, notably the European Goldfinch.

Eduardo Sousa

Sousa's farm affords the geese an abundance of foods that grow on the property, from figs to acorns, and various naturally occurring herbs such as the seeds from the yellow bush lupine which gives his foie gras the characteristically yellow color of foie gras that is usually produced through the force-feeding process using corn.

Fallopia convolvulus

The seeds are edible, and were used in the past as a food crop, with remains found in Bronze Age middens.

Kona Grosbeak

Its food consists of the seeds of the fruit of the aaka (Myoporum sandwicense) (bastard sandal-tree, and probably in other seasons of those of the sandalwood tree), and as these are very minute, its whole time seems to be taken up in cracking the extremely hard shells of this fruit, for which its extraordinarily powerful beak and heavy head have been developed.

Lomatium nudicaule

Among other peoples also, including the Kwakwaka'wakw and Nuu-chah-nulth, the seeds are burned as an incense at funerals and chewed by singers to ease their throats.

Mexican Sheartail

The tiny cup-shaped nest is made of lichens, spiders webs and the seeds of daisy family plants.

Mimosa tenuiflora

Scarification of the seed via mechanical means or by using sulfuric acid greatly increases the germination rate of the seeds over non-treatment.

Molinia caerulea

Claviceps purpurea is an ascomycetous fungus which grows on the seeds of purple moor grass.

Moringa drouhardii

Neither the seeds (rich in edible oil and floculating proteins) nor the leaves (that can be eaten as green vegetables) are traditionally used in the Atsimo-Andrefana Region (southwestern Madagascar) despite their significant benefits.

Niger seed oil

Niger seed oil is obtained from the seeds of Niger plant, which belongs to the Asteraceae family and of the Guizotia genus.


The seeds of Ninasam were laid in 1945 in Heggodu, when Subbanna and his friends started to get together in the evenings to exchange views and discuss about the politics and other current issues.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis

Extracts of the seeds, flowers and leaves possesses immunostimulant, hepatoprotective, antileishmanial, antiviral and antifungal activities in vitro.


Granivorous birds often eat paspalum seeds; the Chestnut-breasted Munia (Lonchura castaneothorax) readily feeds on the seeds of P. longifolium, for example.

Patagonian Tyrant

Though it is a primarily insectivorous species, it has been seen also to eat the seeds of mayten and the fruit of leñadura.

Patna rice

The seeds of Patna rice were taken to America, grown in Carolina and exported to Britain before the American Civil War.

Raoul and the Kings of Spain

The album features a return by Oleta Adams, who had worked and toured extensively with the band for The Seeds of Love album, and here duets with Orzabal on the track "Me and My Big Ideas".

Rodrigues Parrot

It frequented and nested on islets off southern Rodrigues to avoid introduced rats, and fed on the seeds of the Fernelia buxifolia shrub.

Ross RS-1 Zanonia

The aircraft was named after the Zanonia tropical flowering plant, the seeds of which are good gliders.

Sea bean

Drift seed, a seed of any of a number of tropical plants growing in coastal areas, the seeds of which are found floating upon ocean currents, by means of which the seeds are dispersed.

Seeds of Change

The Seeds of Change Research Farm and Gardens were founded in 1989 in Gila, New Mexico.

Silphium perfoliatum

Goldfinches feed on the seeds of Silphium perfoliatum and drink the water collected by the “cups” on the stems.

Stone pine

The wing is ineffective for wind dispersal, and the seeds are animal-dispersed, originally mainly by the azure-winged magpie, but in recent history, very largely by humans.

Thick-billed Flowerpecker

Unlike the Pale-billed Flowerpecker, it does not swallow the berries of Loranthus (some species now in genus Dendrophthoe) and instead wipes the seeds on a branch and feeds on the epicarp.

Tiglic acid

In 1819 Pelletier and Caventou isolated a peculiar volatile and crystallizable acid from the seeds of Schoenocaulon officinalis, a Mexican plant of family Melanthaceae (also called cevadilla or sabadilla).

Vicia cracca

Owners of pet birds such as Budgerigars often use Cow Vetch as a nutritious food; the birds are especially fond of the seeds but may also eat the foliage.


The seeds of Diapered were sown when Zhdanov presented his statement to the Editorial Board of Proletarii to the conference of the Extended Editorial Board of Proprietary which Lenin called in June 1909 in Paris.