Addis Alem is also the name of one of the neighborhoods of Gondar.
He summoned the army of Ethiopia, and marched west from Gondar into Sennar, following the course of the Dindar River.
In Ethiopia, where it is cultivated as a vegetable in Gondar, Harar and Shewa, the shoots and leaves are consumed cooked and the seeds used as a spice.
Captured by Emperor Tewodros II during that Emperor's reincorporation of Shewa into the Ethiopian Empire in 1855, Darge and his nephew Menelik (then called Sahle Maryam) were the chief Shewan prisoners taken with the Emperor to Gondar, and later the mountain citadel at Magdala (the modern Amba Mariam).
One of the best known examples of this type of painting is at Debre Berhan Selassie in Gondar (pictured), famed for its angel covered roof (angels in Ethiopian art are often represented as winged heads) as well as its other murals dating from the late 17th century.
Gondar traditionally was divided into several neighborhoods or quarters: Addis Alem, where the Muslim inhabitants dwelled (as mentioned above); Kayla Meda, where the adherents of Beta Israel lived; Abun Bet, centered on the residence of the Abuna, or nominal head of the Ethiopian Church; and Qagn Bet, home to the nobility.
The main piazza features shops, a cinema, and other public buildings in a simplified Italian Moderne style still distinctively of the period despite later changes and, frequently, neglect.
When he departed Shewa in 1842, he found his way to Gondar blocked by the aftermath of the Battle of Debre Tabor, retraced his steps to the court of Adara Bille, a chieftain of the Wollo Oromo who then robbed him.
In the early years of the 18th century, Negasi travelled to Gondar to pay homage to Emperor Iyasus I, where he died of smallpox.
Some of the Catholic churches he designed are still standing, most importantly in the area of Bahir Dar and Gondar, which influenced Ethiopian architecture for the rest of the 17th century.
While its borders varied considerably over time, it often included the city of Gondar.
Gondar | Debub Gondar Zone | Crowds gather at the Fasilides' Bath in Gondar to celebrate ''Timkat | Crowds gather at the Fasilides' Bath in Gondar |
Later that month, Starace and his truck-transportable "mechanized column" prepared to advance over rough tracks to seize Gondar, the capital of Begemder Province.
After the defeat of the Italian forces at Keren on 1 April 1941, many of the remaining Italians withdrew to three strongholds: Amba Alagi, Jimma, and Gondar.
Link Ethiopia was started as GondarLink in 1996, and was originally a single link between Dr Challoner's Grammar School in Amersham, UK and Fasiledes Comprehensive Secondary School in Gondar, Ethiopia.
Accordingly Susenyos fled Gondar with the Empress Mentewab; first she sought refuge with Abuna Yosab in Emfraz only to be turned away, then after sending her valuables to safety on Dek Island in Lake Tana proceeded to Qwara.
The conflict between these two queens led to Mentewab summoning her relatives with their armed supporters from Qwara to Gondar to support her.