In his "Doctrine" series, Mars Hill Church pastor Mark Driscoll criticized The Shack for presenting a non-Biblical view of the Trinity, including the use of graven imagery, goddess worship, and modalism.
Four years prior to the main events of the story, Mack takes three (of his five) children on a camping trip to Wallowa Lake near Joseph, Oregon stopping at Multnomah Falls on the way.
Th' Legendary Shack Shakers | Chicken Shack | Jimmie's Chicken Shack | Harold's Chicken Shack | The Shack Neighborhood House | Sugar Shack | Peter Shack | My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii | Chicken Shack (Michigan) | Aldo Leopold Shack and Farm |
Copperopolis is famous for the shack on Jack Ass Hill, where Mark Twain is purported to have written one of his most famous works, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
It is built on the site of the shack that, during the 1930s, served as the headquarters of the Revisionist Zionism movement, Betar youth movement, and as the secret meeting place of the Irgun fighters.
Finding only a sword lying next to him on the ground, the man stumbles across an isolated and seemingly derelict shack, only to have an arrow shoot past his head and lodge itself into the shack's outer wall.
Clay cares about nothing except his money, which he keeps buried in Mason jars around the shack where he lives.
In 2006, The Shack received an outreach grant from the Mollohan Foundation for the Appalachian Rags to Rugs Program.
The camera pans to a shack, and then closes in on a shot showing the shack's door window marked "Henry J. Kaiser - Private" and a sign hanging from a nail on the shack's door which read "Back in 2 minutes - out to launch".