
3 unusual facts about The Study Society

The Study Society

Dr Roles continued with Ouspensky’s teaching for 13 years but in 1960, as a result of Ouspensky’s instruction to search for ‘the source of the system’, he came to meet Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in London.

Nevertheless, it was not until Dr Roles was introduced to Swami Shantanand Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath—the head of the Advaita tradition in Northern India whose teaching of the non-dual philosophy of the Vedanta complemented and completed all he had learnt before—that he became convinced that his search was over.

Recent speakers have included: Rupert Spira, Iain McGilchrist, James H. Austin, Matthew Fox, Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Denis Alexander, Dr Peter Fenwick, Chris Frith.

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