
unusual facts about The Witches' Voice

Patricia Telesco

Articles by Telesco have appeared in several mainstream publications such as Cosmo, Woman's World, and Cats' Magazine, and in such Neopagan publications such as Circle Network News and popular websites such as The Witches' Voice.

Albert Otto Hirschman

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States.

The first describes the three basic possible responses to decline in firms or polities: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty.

Annabel Brooks

She has since appeared in productions including A Handful of Dust, The Witches and Last Run.

Debra Gillett

Debra Gillett is a British actress who has been active since 1990 and appeared in productions including The Witches, Chimera, Truckers, Casualty, Just William, Dalziel and Pascoe, Spooks, Doctor Who, Soul Music and Cranford.

Innerst i sjelen

It was based on similarly titled children's book Heksene by Roald Dahl known in English as The Witches.

Jewish Bakers' Voice

The Jewish Bakers' Voice had accused the Certified Yeast Company (a Jewish-owned business) of having imported German yeast under a false name (in breach of the Jewish boycott of German goods).

The Jewish Bakers' Voice (in Yiddish: Idishe Bekers Shtime) was a trade paper for Jewish bakers published from New York City, the United States.

Kerr Cuhulain

He is a frequent contributor to The Witches' Voice networking website, and has applied his abilities as an investigative journalist to the histories of several controversial individuals in the Neo-Pagan and New Age communities, such as John Todd and Michael Warnke.

Poor Leno

Additionally, footage of snowy mountains were sampled from the film adaptation of Roald Dahl's The Witches.

Vincent Marzello

He has since appeared in productions that include The Spy Who Loved Me, Superman, Never Say Never Again, Pulaski, The Witches, Taggart, The House of Eliott, Dalziel and Pascoe, Little Britain, Nuclear Secrets and Mile High.

Workers' Voice

An alternative name for Workers' Awaaz, a female domestic workers' group in New York.

see also