In 2005 the show received attention for its 99-hour "Live On Air Filibuster," conducted during Congressional hearings for the Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination.
Neil Young | Brigham Young University | The Young and the Restless | Ernst & Young | Brigham Young | Young Vic | BSC Young Boys | Young & Rubicam | Ottoman Turks | Steve Young | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Young Pioneers | Loretta Young | Lester Young | Cy Young Award | Will Young | The Young Ones | The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles | Robert Young | Burt Young | Young-adult fiction | young-adult fiction | Young | The Young Ones (TV series) | Paul Young | Faron Young | Young Frankenstein | Young Artist Award | Victor Young | Cy Young |
His son Ben Mankiewicz is a Turner Classic Movies host and a host on The Young Turks, who also served from September 2008 to September 2009 as co-host (with Ben Lyons) of At The Movies.
Shure often also guest hosts on The Young Turks and was the host of that network's online 2012 election show, twenTYTwelve. Shure was formerly the host of Current TV's The War Room with Michael Shure, a progressive political commentary program that aired live Monday through Thursday.
There were lineup changes occurring across the Air America Network that were reflected onto XM 167, such as Mike Malloy and Janeane Garofalo's departures, the end of Morning Sedition, and the hiring of The Young Turks.
The unity among the Young Turks that originated from the Young Turk Revolution began to splinter in face of the realities of the ongoing dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, especially with the onset of World War I in 1914, with the Ottoman Empire joining the Central Powers against the Allies.