
2 unusual facts about Theater an der Wien

Franz Teyber

Studying at Wagenseil, from 1786 he was director of the Schikaneder theatre company and from 1801 a composer and musical director of the Theater an der Wien.

Malva Schalek

She earned her living as a painter in Vienna, in her studio above the Theater an der Wien, until July 1938, when she was forced to flee from the Nazis, leaving her paintings behind.

Einen Jux will er sich machen

Einen Jux will er sich machen (1842) (He Will Go on a Spree or He'll Have Himself a Good Time), is a three-act musical play, designated as a Posse mit Gesang, by Austrian playwright Johann Nestroy first performed at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna on 10 March 1842.

Karl Markovics

Markovics remains a frequent stage actor, and in April 2010 played the non-singing role of Samiel in Counterfeiters-director Ruzowitzky's first opera production, Der Freischütz at Vienna's Theater an der Wien.

Stefan Ruzowitzky

In 2010, Ruzowitzky directed his first opera production, Der Freischütz, for Vienna's Theater an der Wien.

see also

Niklas Frank

1995 saw the first performance of a work commissioned for the Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival), Der Vater (The Father), by Frank and Joshua Sobol, directed by Paulus Manker at the Theater an der Wien.