Some of her personal papers are archived at the Ida Seele Archive in Dillingen an der Donau.
From Italy he was sent to Dillingen in Bavaria, as director of a seminary, then to Berlin, and next to Amsterdam, to direct a college established by the Fathers of the Faith of Jesus, with whom the Congregation of the Sacred Heart had united (11 April 1799).
Dillingen, or Dillingen an der Donau (Dillingen on the Danube) is a town in Bavaria, Germany.
A university was established in 1549, but was closed by Napoleon in 1804.
In layout the abbey church of Fürstenfeld follows the typical pattern of South German and Austrian churches such as St. Michael's Church, Munich, Klagenfurt Cathedral and the Academy Church of the Assumption in Dillingen an der Donau.
The Killerpilze (English/German for "Killer Mushrooms") is a German Pop-rock / pop-punk band from Dillingen an der Donau, Germany.
He had just completed his last year at the German high school 'St. Bonaventura Gymnasium' in Dillingen an der Donau, where he lives with his family.
Both were reprinted in 1704 in Dillingen and Augsburg, and the former was partly published in a German translation by Father Rassler in Straubing in 1840.
Patrick Benedict Zimmer (born at Abtsgmund, Württemberg, 22 February 1752; died at Stenheim near Dillingen, 16 October., 1820) was a Catholic philosopher and theologian.
The two Bishops Christopher von Stadion (1517–43) and Otto Truchsess von Waldburg (1543–73) made use of diocesan synods (1517, 1520, 1543 in Dillingen, and 1536 in Augsburg) for the purpose of checking the progress of the Reformation through the improvement of ecclesiastical life.
From Munich, where he was succeeded in 1565 by the celebrated Paul Hoffaeus, he was transferred to Dillingen, where for twenty years he presided over the college and the academy and laboured with zeal and success for the improvement of studies and for the religious training of the students.
Later at Dillingen, he was professor, first of philosophy for seven years, then of speculative theology for four years, and finally of moral theology.
Der Spiegel | Der Rosenkavalier | Der Ring des Nibelungen | Rotenburg an der Fulda | Spittal an der Drau | Limburg an der Lahn | Dillingen | Weiden in der Oberpfalz | Dillingen an der Donau | Van der Graaf Generator | Kirchdorf an der Krems | Dillingen, Saarland | Der Freischütz | Befehlshaber der U-Boote | Serena van der Woodsen | Rothenburg ob der Tauber | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht | Neustadt an der Orla | Neukirch an der Thur | Der Vampyr | Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft | Neuberg an der Mürz | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | Brandenburg an der Havel | Bad Homburg vor der Höhe | University of Dillingen | Theater an der Wien | Schönenberg an der Thur | Rogier van der Weyden | Neustadt an der Weinstraße |
The university in its current form was founded in 1970, and is the successor to the University of Dillingen, located in Dillingen an der Donau, and which was existed between 1551 and 1802 and was a philosophical and theological institution under the bishops of Augsburg.
Pezel, who had hitherto been at Zeitz, now went to Eger; but in 1577, like his fellow exiles, received a position from Count John of Nassau, first at the school in Siegen and later at Dillingen.
In 1832 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the Lyceum at Dillingen, and in 1847 professor of philosophy at the University of Munich.