
8 unusual facts about Thebes


Qasr el-'Aguz is the modern name of the ancient Egyptian site, not far from Thebes, of a temple of the Pharaonic god Thoth

Aristidh Kola

He was born in Kaskaveli of Thebes in central Greece, the area which is inhabited mainly by Arvanites.

Bonn Minster

The legion's garrison, according to legend, was in the Egyptian town of Thebes.


Thebes in Egypt, ancient Waset, in Greco-Roman times called Diospolis Magna (Great Zeus-City)

Henry Danby Seymour

In 1856 Henry donated fragments of the Tomb of Sobekhotep, Thebes, to the British Museum, and was co-author of A History of Egypt Under the Pharaohs.

Henry William Beechey

Some time before 1816 he had become secretary to Henry Salt, the British consul-general in Egypt, and at the latter's request accompanied Belzoni in that and the following year beyond the second cataract, for the purpose of studying and making designs of the fine monuments existing at Thebes.

The Faction Theatre Company

Rep Season 3 was announced in Autumn 2013 and will include productions of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Gareth Jandrell's Greek drama Thebes, and Schiller's The Robbers, a remount of Daniel Millar and Mark Leipacher's successful 2011 adaptation.

Universitetskaya Embankment

A quay in front of the Academy of Arts building, adorned with two authentic sphinxes of Pharaoh Amenhotep III brought in 1832 from Thebes, Egypt, was designed by Konstantin Thon and built in 1832-1834.

Ancient Greek warfare

However, it was soon apparent that the hegemony was unstable, and the Persian Empire sponsored a rebellion by the combined powers of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Argos, resulting in the Corinthian War (395-387 BC).


The opera begins in the early morning following a battle in Thebes between the armies of the two sons of Oedipus: Eteocles and Polynices.


In addition to constructing a new capital in honor of Aten, Akhenaten also oversaw the construction of some of the most massive temple complexes in ancient Egypt, including one at Karnak and one at Thebes, close to the old temple of Amun.

Battle of Andros

Contarini, with 22 sailing ships, left Porto Poro on 28 July and arrived at Port Gavrion, on the west coast of Andros, on 3 August, while a galley force, under Molino, went to Kekhrios, on mainland Greece, ready for an attack on Thebes.


The type genus is named after Biantes, the son of Parthenopaeus, one of the Epigoni who marched against Thebes in Greek mythology.

Bill Vazan

Vazan created other controversial land art projects on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City (1979), on the Nazca plains in Peru (1984–86), in Utah and Nevada (1993), in Gotland, Sweden (1997) and in the mountains of Thebes in Egypt (2001).


Best known is that of 338 BCE, between Philip II of Macedon and a coalition of various South Greek states, mainly Thebes and Athens.

D. Wayne Mitchell

Favored directing projects have included The Cottonpatch Gospel, The Seven Against Thebes, Antigone, The Canterbury Tales, and The Frogs.


This is significant since Ptah is a parallel for Noah in that, as the Blacksmith-God of Thebes (Hephaistos-Vulcan), he is the equivalent of the Phoenician Craftsman-God Khousor, which is Ugaritic Kṯr, Kothar, Kothar-wa-Khasis, "The-Very-Skillful-and-Intelligent-One," which is the same character as the Sumero-Akkadian Noahs: Utnapishtim (in the Gilgamesh Epic), Atra-Ḫasīs, and Ziusudra (Khousor = Ptah at Ugarit).

Great Cities of the Ancient World

The work is a study of the ethnology, history, geography, and everyday life in such famous ancient capital cities as Thebes, Jerusalem, Nineveh, Tyre, Babylon, Memphis, Athens, Syracuse, Alexandria, Anuradhapura, Rome, Pataliputra, and Constantinople.

Harsiese A

Instead, while Harsiese A was certainly an independent king at Thebes during the first decade of Osorkon II's kingship, he was a different person from a second person who was also called Harsiese: Harsiese B.

History of Athens

After Thebes became a possession of the Latin dukes, which were of the Burgundian family called De la Roche, it replaced Athens as the capital and seat of government, although Athens remained the most influential ecclesiastical centre in the duchy and site of a prime fortress.


Kamose sailed north from Thebes at the head of his army in his third regnal year.

Jennie McAlpine

Since the age of 17 McAlpine has devoted her spare time to helping deprived children in Egypt through the Thebes Project in Luxor.

Joseph Bonomi the Younger

The expedition then moved on to Kalabsha, where Bonomi laboured to produce several plaster casts of the reliefs, to Philae and then to Thebes.


In later times fortifications were built both at Plataea and Erythrai as the mountain formed the disputed natural border between Athens and Thebes.

Mahmoud Maher Taha

Mahmoud Maher Taha is an honorary member of the Association of the Safeguarding of the Ramesseum Temple (Memnonia) and has worked for over forty years in Nubia and Thebes (Archaeological Documentations).

Marcus Rutilius Lupus

During his tenure of office he oversaw several architectural projects in the province, including a new portico in the Oasis of Thebes that was dedicated to Isis and Serapis.


Megareus of Thebes, son of Eurydice of Thebes; defended Thebes against the Seven Against Thebes, committed suicide to save it


He distinguished himself at the siege of Thebes; but he was held in particular veneration at the court of Amphilochus at Colophon on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, adjacent to Caria.


Osorkon III: a king of the Twenty-third dynasty of Egypt at Thebes

Osorkon II

Osorkon feared the serious challenge posed by Harsiese's kingship to his authority but, when Harsiese conveniently died in 860 BC, Osorkon II ensured that this problem would not recur by appointing his own son Nimlot C as the next High Priest of Amun at Thebes.

Pale Horse Coming

He assembles a group of six legendary gunmen (who are based on Elmer Keith, Jack O'Connor, Audie Murphy, Charles Askins, Bill Jordan, and Ed McGivern) with the promise of real action for a just cause and readies them for an assault on Thebes.


Known from an offering table of his daughter Wadjrenes from Thebes (TT34).

Piye reacted quickly to this crisis in his Year 20 by assembling an army to invade Middle and Lower Egypt and visited Thebes in time for the great Opet Festival which proves he effectively controlled Upper Egypt by this time.

Rainer Stadelmann

He has participated in numerous excavations at Elephantine, Thebes and Dahshur, the latter of which he explored and wrote about the Bent Pyramid and the valley temple of King Sneferu.


One of the most important of these people was the High Priest of Amun Shoshenq C, son of Osorkon I, who served in office during his father's reign at Thebes.

Smuggling of silkworm eggs into the Byzantine Empire

Shortly after the expedition there were silk factories in Constantinople, Beirut, Antioch, Tyre, and Thebes.

Takelot II

He has been identified as the High Priest of Amun Takelot F, son of the High Priest of Amun Nimlot C at Thebes and, thus, the son of Nimlot C and grandson of king Osorkon II according to the latest academic research.

The Sacred Wars

Third Sacred War (356 BC - 346 BC), between the forces of Thebes and Phocis for control of Delphi

Theban Cycle

The Epigoni, attributed in antiquity to either Antimachus of Teos or Homer: a continuation of the Thebaid, which told the story of the next generation of heroes who attacked Thebes, this time successfully.


It stood on level ground commanded by the low range of hills which run eastward from the foot of Mount Helicon to Thebes, near modern Thespies.


Tomb TT191, located in the necropolis of El-Assasif in Thebes in Egypt, is the tomb of Wahibre-Nebpehti, who was the chamberlain of the divine adoratrice and the director of the festival from the time of Psamtik I.


Montuemhat was 4th Prophet of Amun, Mayor of Thebes, Governor of Upper Egypt, and served during the reigns of Taharqa and Psamtik I.

Turin Papyrus Map

It is drawn on a papyrus reportedly discovered at Deir el-Medina in Thebes, collected by Bernardino Drovetti (known as Napoleon's Proconsul) in Egypt sometime before 1824 AD and now preserved in Turin's Museo Egizio.


When the Catalans briefly conquered Athens, they subdivided that duchy into three vegueries: Athens, Thebes, and Livadia.

Wehem Mesut

It marks a final waning of the power of the centralised monarchy, with Ramesses XI still nominally pharaoh, but with Herihor as High Priest of Amun in Thebes and Smendes in Tanis ruling respectively Upper and Lower Egypt.

see also