Theodor Anton Ippen, a diplomat of Austria-Hungary, was one of the authors whose texts were published in the Konica's periodical.
Theodor Anton Ippen (consul of Austria-Hungary) and Nopcsa financed the translation and distribution of the works of Sami Frasheri.
Translation and distribution of his works were financed by Theodor Anton Ippen (consul of Austria-Hungary) and Nopcsa.
Anton Chekhov | Anton Corbijn | Anton Bruckner | Anton Webern | Theodor Fontane | Theodor Mommsen | Anton Reichenow | Theodor Herzl | Carl Theodor Dreyer | Robert Anton Wilson | Anton LaVey | Thomas Theodor Heine | Theodor Boveri | Anton Yelchin | Theodor Meynert | Anton Geesink | Anton Armstrong | Theodor Storm | Theodor Loos | Theodor Leschetizky | Theodor Kittelsen | Theodor Eimer | Case Anton | Anton Zeilinger | Anton Walbrook | Anton Emdin | Anton du Beke | Anton Denikin | Anton Cermak | Anton |