
6 unusual facts about Theodor Leschetizky

Alexander Brailowsky

When he was 8, he studied in Kiev with Vladimir Puchalsky, a pupil of Theodor Leschetizky.

Felix Borowski

Somewhat later his compositions won strong commendation from composers such as Edvard Grieg, Theodor Leschetizky, Sauer and other renowned masters.

Franz Mittler

In 1904 he moved from the violin to the pursuit of piano where his teacher became Theodor Leschetizky.

Theodor Leschetizky

He was survived by a son, Robert (Dresden), whose family returned to Bad Ischl after his death.

The list of legendary pianists he taught includes Anna Yesipova, Richard Buhlig, Ignaz Friedman, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Artur Schnabel, Mark Hambourg, Alexander Brailowsky, Alexander Winkler, Benno Moiseiwitsch, Paul Wittgenstein, Natalia Polnazkovski and Mieczysław Horszowski.

A humorous probable allusion to Leschetizky occurs in the "Stella in Oxford" Chapter (Book Three, Chapter 10) of Compton Mackenzie's 1913-1914 novel Sinister Street, which mentions a notable piano teacher in Vienna "with a perfectly impossible name beginning with L".

Peter Ritzen

In 2000 he was invited to be the artistic director of the International Piano Competition 'Theodor Leschetizky' in Taipei (Taiwan R.O.C.).

see also