Theodore F. Schneider was the second bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Schneider was ordained a minister in 1959 by the Virginia Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America.
Theodore Roosevelt | Theodore Dreiser | Romy Schneider | Rob Schneider | Schneider Electric | Theodore Sturgeon | Schneider | Theodore von Kármán | Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. | Theodore Parker | Theodore Bikel | Theodore | Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex | Théodore Botrel | Gregor Schneider | Fred Schneider | Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria | Theodore Wirth | Theodore Ushev | Theodore Robinson | Theodore of Tarsus | Theodore Edgar McCarrick | Théodore Dubois | Prix Romy Schneider | John Schneider (television actor) | John Schneider | Theodore Roethke | Theodore of Mopsuestia | Théodore Géricault | Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell |