
unusual facts about Think: act

Think: act

The original think: act magazine addresses decision makers in companies and is thus clearly focussed on B2B-relations.

10-Truck Arms and Ammunition Haul in Chittagong

In 2004, arms smuggling charges were filed against a total of 45 individuals under the Special Powers Act and arms charges against 43 persons under the Arms Act.

Adventurers' Act

The Adventurers Act, and the other three statutes (c.33 to 35, and 37), were repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 1950.

Colin Winchester

LR"?title=semi-automatic rifle">semi-automatic rifle fitted with a silencer and killed as he parked his police vehicle in the driveway of his house in Deakin, ACT.

Environa, New South Wales

It lies just east of the Queanbeyan-Cooma railway line as it goes past the industrial estate of Hume, ACT.

Irish Land Commission

After the Partition of Ireland the Irish Free State (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1922 abolished many all-island offices, including the Land Commissioners, effective from the the creation of the Irish Free State on 6 December 1922.

Roman Catholicism in Ireland

For instance the Health (Family Planning) Act, 1979 showed the ability of the Catholic Church to force the government into a compromise situation over artificial contraception, though unable to get the result it wanted; contraception could now be bought, but only with a prescription from a doctor and supplied only by registered chemists.

Third Amendment

Constitution Alteration (State Debts) Act, 1928, the third amendment to the Constitution of Australia

see also