
unusual facts about Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar


Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar, a selective media agar type used in microbiology for cholerae culture


Two different solutions (Solution A and B) are defined by the United States Pharmacopeia.

Ammonium ferric citrate

Ammonium ferric citrate is present in Scottish carbonated soft drink Irn-Bru.

DNA microarray experiment

# The labeled samples are then mixed with a propriety hybridization solution which may contain SDS, SSC, dextran sulfate, a blocking agent (such as COT1 DNA, salmon sperm DNA, calf thymus DNA, PolyA or PolyT), Denhardt's solution and formamine.

Heinz body

Thiosulfate compounds in the flesh of onions have been identified as the cause.

Seymour S. Kety

Citrate would help flush the lead out of the children's systems through urination.

Sodium thiosulfate

In this application to photographic processing, discovered by John Herschel and used for both film and photographic paper processing, the sodium thiosulfate is known as a photographic fixer, and is often referred to as hypo, from the original chemical name, hyposulphite of soda.


Tetrathionate has also been found to serve as a terminal electron acceptor for Salmonella Typhimurium, whereas existing thiosulfate in the lumen of mammals is oxidized by reactive oxygen species released by the immune system (mainly NADPH oxidase produced superoxide) to form tetrathionate.

see also