Thomas Commerford Martin (July 22, 1856–May 17, 1924) was an American electrical engineer and editor, born in London, England.
At various times he lectured at the Royal Institution of Engineers, London, the Paris Société Internationale des Electriciens, the University of Nebraska, and Columbia.
Thomas Jefferson | Dean Martin | Martin Luther | Martin Scorsese | Thomas Edison | Ricky Martin | Thomas | Thomas Hardy | Martin Luther King, Jr. | Lockheed Martin | Martin | Thomas Mann | Thomas Aquinas | Steve Martin | Clarence Thomas | Thomas Gainsborough | Martin Sheen | Dylan Thomas | Thomas Pynchon | St. Thomas | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | St. Martin's Press | Thomas Carlyle | Thomas the Tank Engine | Martin Heidegger | Thomas Moore | Thomas Cromwell | Thomas Becket | Martin Luther King | Max Martin |