
unusual facts about Threepenny Opera

New Embassy Theater

The New Embassy Theatre is a performance theater located in the downtown mall of Cumberland, Maryland at 49 Baltimore St. The theater mounts live performances of classic theatre fare such as Kurt Weill's Threepenny Opera and Kander and Ebb's Cabaret, as well as lesser-known work such as "The Mystery of Irma Vep" and "The Lady In Question," original works and local historical plays.

see also

Mats Bergman

He's successfully shown his range in several different theatre productions, a.o in Almqvist's Drottningens juvelsmycke, Bulgakov's Mästaren och Margarita (The Master and Margaret), Brecht's Tolvskillingsoperan (The Threepenny Opera), Botho Strauss' Rummet och tiden, Molière's Misantropen (Le Misanthrope) and Brecht's Den goda människan i Sezuan.