
unusual facts about Threshold

Arturo Warman

Los indios mexicanos en el umbral del milenio ("Mexican Indians on the threshold of the new millennium" (2003) Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Aryeh Altman

In the 1949 Knesset elections he headed the Brit Hatzohar list, but it failed to cross the electoral threshold.

Betsy von Furstenberg

Betsy von Furstenberg has appeared on Broadway in Second Threshold (1951), Oh, Men! Oh, Women! (1953), The Chalk Garden and Child of Fortune (1956), Nature's Way (1957), The Making of Moo (1958), Step on a Crack (1962), The Frog Pond (1965), The Paisley Convertible (1967), Avanti! (1968), The Gingerbread Lady (1970), and Does Anybody Here Do the Peabody? (1976).

Bill Eagles

As a television director, some his credits include CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Invasion, Cold Case, Numb3rs, Battlestar Galactica, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Threshold, Crash, Persons Unknown and Fringe.

Broome International Airport

On 11 July 2012, a Piper PA-34 Seneca of Golden Eagle Airlines crashed into sand dunes near the runway threshold.


Laudanosine, a toxic metabolite of atracurium and cisatracurium that decreases the seizure threshold

Caitlin Fairchild

In the Gen¹³ animated movie, Fairchild's voice was provided by Alicia Witt; also in this incarnation she's the long lost sister of Threshold not Roxy and seems to display latent telepathic powers along with her regular ones.

Channel Air Bridge

While the Carvair was making a visual approach to Rotterdam Airport in conditions of snow with 1,460m visibility, the landing gear struck a 6 feet high dyke, 800 ft short of the runway threshold.

CIA activities in Libya

:*After disclosing its Scud stockpile and extensive ballistic and cruise missile R&D efforts in 2003, Libya took important steps to abide by its commitment to limit its missiles to the 300-km range threshold of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

Collective action clause

During the financial crisis of 2011-12, the Greek government imposed, with the support of the IMF and ECB, a retroactive CAC with a threshold of 75%.

Dweller on the threshold

Astrologer Liz Greene, in "Saturn a New Look at an Old Devil", offers her opinion that Saturn rules the dweller on the threshold experience.

Elections in Hungary

The green liberal, social progressivist Politics Can Be Different (4.1% of seats, 7.5% of votes) was also newcomer, while the liberal conservative formerly parliamentary Hungarian Democratic Forum (2.7% of votes) could not achieve the 5% threshold, and the formerly parliamentary (and also member of the coalition government before 2009) Alliance of Free Democrats was not able to run on the election because of the large decrease of popularity.

Francisco Javier García Fajer

The Italian musical environment during the 1750s was characterised by composers on the threshold between galante and early classical such as Niccolò Jommelli and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.

Gli Asolani

His 3-act play The Jeweler's Shop also employs a trio of couples reversing the dramatic order, setting theamore lovers first with the amare lovers second, concluding with a couple from the next generation, a plot twist that provides the experiential material that helps resolve their stand-off of positive vs negative fatalism allowing them to cross the threshold of hope.

Great Synagogue of Vilna

According to legend it was so magnificent and impressive, Napoleon who stood on the threshold of this synagogue in 1812 and gazed at the interior was speechless with admiration.

Guardian of the Threshold

The Dweller of the Threshold (or Guardian of the Threshold) is a literary invention of the English mystic and novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton, found in his romance Zanoni (1842).

Helene Costello

Although she had been appearing on screen since her early childhood, Costello was selected as a WAMPAS Baby Star in 1927, a promotional campaign sponsored by the Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers in the United States, which honored thirteen young women each year who they believed to be on the threshold of movie stardom.

Hungarian parliamentary election, 2006

The Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) which hit the 5% threshold contrary to the polls and expectations made it clear that they would not support Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party.

Hybrid computer

Signals pass across the synapses from one nerve cell to the next as discrete (digital) packets of chemicals, which are then summed within the nerve cell in an analog fashion by building an electro-chemical potential until its threshold is reached, whereupon it discharges and sends out a series of digital packets to the next nerve cell.

Italian electoral law

:It was widely alleged in the press at the time of its introduction, that the new system had been custom-designed by Silvio Berlusconi's government to give advantage to his House of Freedoms coalition in the 2006 elections, by eliminating seats for the numerous small parties on the Left that might not reach the 2% threshold.


The city is nicknamed "Gadapa" (which means 'Threshold') because it is the gateway from the west to the sacred hills of Tirumala, which is known for its connections to Venkateswara Swamy.

Kegworth air disaster

Just before crossing the M1 motorway, the tail struck the ground and the aircraft bounced back into the air and over the motorway, knocking down trees and a lamp post before crashing on the far embankment and breaking into three sections approximately 519yd (1/4 mile) short from the active runway's paved surface and approximately 689yd (1/3 mile) from its threshold.

Kerkko Koskinen

Furthermore, Koskinen wrote the song Uuden ajan kynnyksellä ("At the Threshold of a New Time") in memory of the murder of reporter Anna Politkovskaya.

Labor Zionism

In the 1969 Knesset elections it ran as the "List for the Land of Israel", but failed to cross the electoral threshold.

League of Lights

Formed around vocalist Farrah West and keyboard player/producer Richard West from British rock band Threshold, League of Lights recorded their debut album with contributions from guitarist Ruud Jolie of Dutch symphonic rock act Within Temptation, drummer Mark Zonder of US progressive metallers Fates Warning, and bassist Jerry Meehan.

Low-threshold spikes

Therefore, much research has been conducted on low-threshold spikes in the neurons in the thalamus and how it could relate to Parkinson's disease and the corresponding loss of motor function.

Macedonian presidential election, 2004

As he failed to cross the 50% threshold, a second round was held in which he defeated Saško Kedev of Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity.


In the town of Santiago Atitlán, when clothing of Maximón's effigy is washed during the week before Easter, the waste water is saved and distributed as holy water to local shop keepers, who believe that when sprinkled around the threshold of the shop doorway, the water will entice customers into the shop to make a purchase.

Metal gate

Earlier PMOS technologies were not sensitive to this effect because the positively-charged sodium was naturally attracted towards the negatively-charged gate, and away from the channel, minimizing threshold voltage shifts.

Miramichi Airport

The top of 04/22 is now taxiway 'B' which was where the ready hangars for the McDonnell CF-101 Voodoos were, leading to the threshold of runway 27.

Montenegrin independence referendum, 2006

On the other side, de facto leader of the unionist bloc Predrag Bulatović said at a press conference around 00:15 CEST that "his sources" informed him that 54% had voted "yes", a figure below the 55% threshold.

Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny

The main thrust of his argument is that we may be on the threshold of a new phase of development involving the creation of a unified global consciousness, along the lines suggested in the writings of Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Olympic Airways Flight 417

On initial appeal, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit unanimously affirmed the finding of the District Court that Leptourgou's actions not only met the definition of “accident” under Article 17 of the Warsaw Convention, but also rose to the level of being “wilful misconduct” under Article 25; by passing that threshold, it removed a $75,000 cap on damages.

Peter Gizzi

His publications include Periplum (Avec, 1992), Artificial Heart (Burning Deck Press, 1998), Fin Amor (Tougher Disguises, 2002), Some Values of Landscape and Weather (Wesleyan, 2003), The Outernationale (Wesleyan, 2007) and Threshold Songs (Wesleyan, 2011).


Others have bounced back considerably beyond that threshold however (e.g., Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia), and some, such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, underwent an economic boom (see Baltic Tiger), although all have suffered from the 2009 recession.


In medicine, the tendency for the action potential of cardiac cell membranes to drift towards threshold following repolarization

Qila Sobha Singh

An eminent sorcerer told the Maharaja that when any Muslim will be immolated at the threshold of the fort then it will not dilapidate any more.


Since the threshold values of semi-aridity here (100–200 to 600 mm) are clearly lower than in the Köppen climate classification (390 to 780 mm for stations with mean annual temperature of 25°C and dry season centered in "winter", and even 440 to 880 mm at 30°C), the tropical semi-arid Sahelian climate, incidentally the hottest climate on Earth, is on the borderline of Köppen's hot semi-arid climates (BSh) and Köppen's hot arid climates (BWh).

Saya Myit

1930 was a threshold year in Burmese painting as that was when Ba Nyan returned from approximately eight years of academic and professional study in the painting arts in London.


Infrasound, sound at frequencies below the normal threshold of human hearing


Such "superlubric" threshold depends on the tip-surface interaction and the stiffness of the materials in contact, as described by the Tomlinson model.

The Angel Network

Among its affiliates were the Crisis Fund, a funding arm for The Threshold Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, UNICEF and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

The Lurker at the Threshold

The book is referenced as the name of the four-part "Lurker At The Threshold" suite by avant-garde musician Buckethead on his album The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock (2006).

The Sunken Threshold

The Sunken Threshold is the debut album by Irish doom metal band Wreck of the Hesperus.

Three Day Threshold

In March 2007, Hi-n-Dry, a record label run by former members of Morphine, signed Three Day Threshold to release their 3rd full length album, Against the Grain.

The music of Three Day Threshold has been showcased in movies and television shows such as Fox's The Simple Life series, starring Paris Hilton, and MTV's The Real World and Road Rules.

Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

The mystery of Mary's immaculate conception was also implied in depictions of her parents' chaste embrace meeting at the Golden Gate, the threshold of the Holy city of Jerusalem, a convention that symbolizes close proximity to (and participation with) the celestial Kingdom.

see also