
unusual facts about Thule-Seminar


The first major publication of the Seminar was "Das unvergängliche Erbe. Alternativen zum Prinzip der Gleichheit" (roughly: The everlasting heritage. Alternatives to the principle of equality), edited by Krebs and published in 1981 by Grabert Verlag; notably, the preface of this volume was written by Hans Jürgen Eysenck.

Alan Sheridan

Jacques Lacan, The Seminar, Book XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, London: Hogarth, 1976, reprinted by Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993.

Alliance for Representative Democracy

The seminar includes learning about representative democracy from scholars and experts in the field, including former congressman Lee H. Hamilton, Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University.

Arctic Ocean

Pytheas of Massilia recorded an account of a journey northward in 325 BC, to a land he called "Eschate Thule," where the Sun only set for three hours each day and the water was replaced by a congealed substance "on which one can neither walk nor sail."

ArsDigita Prize

All first runners-up received a free trip to the computer research laboratories at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, seats at a two-day seminar taught by Philip Greenspun, lunch with David D. Clark, Tim Berners-Lee and Michael Dertouzos, dinner with Hal Abelson and Gerry Sussman, and access to a Web server for life.

Artaria String quartet

In 1988 Artaria was invited to teach at the quartet seminar (directed by Norman Fischer) at the Boston UniversityTanglewood Institute in the Berkshires.

Arturo Worrell

In 1984, he invited Teruyuki Okazaki (9th dan ISKF) to Panama for the first time to give an open seminar.

Association for Career and Technical Education

The National Policy Seminar which is held every spring hosts over 400 career and technical educators, administrators and partners that come together to show their support for CTE on Capital Hill.

Bulat Aqchulaqov

During the 'Dialogue Organization on Asian Cooperation' seminar held on 6 October 2006, Aqchulaqov said Kazakhstan has 4.8 billion tons of oil, 3.4 trillion cubic meters of gas, and 8 billion tons of oil in the Caspian Sea.

D. V. Gajjar

1. Seminar and workshop organised by Handloom Development Corporation, Government of India.

Dan Zanger

He attended a seminar led by William O'Neil and this was a major turning point in his ability to select winning stocks.

Debra H. Sowell

She enjoyed courses in dance history under Jeanette Roosevelt and Walter Sorell at Columbia University and a National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar in theatrical dance under the supervision of Selma Jeanne Cohen, who became her mentor.

Dennis Francis

In 1984, another fateful encounter during a speech given at a Graphic Artists Guild Seminar led to an offer to work with Late Night with David Letterman show on NBC.

Dennis Hart Mahan

Mahan also founded the Napoleon Seminar at West Point, where advanced under-graduates and senior officers including Lee, Reynolds, Thomas and McClellan, studied and discussed the great European wars, Napoleon and Frederick the Great.

Ex Corde Ecclesiae

Attendees at this American seminar included the University Presidents of Notre Dame, Georgetown, Seton Hall, Boston College, Fordham, St. Louis University, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, the Archbishop of Atlanta and more than a dozen other educators of North American Catholic higher education.

Fleet Command

The United States Naval Academy had the game installed in computer labs and used it to introduce prospective students to the concepts of fleet level decision making during its Summer Seminar program.

Fuad Isgandarov

Finally, Fuad Isgandarov involved in the seminar on the Role of National Military Strategy organized by George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in 2006.

George Kanahele

He died September 15, 2000 while teaching a seminar on Guam.

Golandsky Institute

Led by Edna Golandsky, Artistic Director, the Institute holds an annual seminar at Princeton University and hosts symposia and master classes worldwide.

Hans Enoksen

The two parties began discussing how to change the agreement with Denmark and the U.S. about how much Greenland should receive in compensation for the U.S. airbase situated outside the town of Thule, in the north of the country.

Harald Moltke

The expedition was a dog sled journey along the unmapped north-west coast of Greenland from Upernavik to Cape York close to Thule.

Hinduism in Croatia

The Department of Indology of the University of Zagreb celebrated its 250th birth anniversary by holding a seminar on 17 December 1998.

Hugh T. Broomall

In 2009 he attended the Senior Executive Seminar, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany and the Senior Executives in National and International Security program at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Jan Westerhoff

He was previously a Research Fellow in Philosophy at the City University of New York, a Seminar Associate at Columbia University, a Junior Research Fellow at Linacre College and a Junior Lecturer in the Philosophy of Mathematics at the University of Oxford.

Leningrad Codex

In 1935, the Leningrad Codex was lent to the Old Testament Seminar of the University of Leipzig for two years while Paul E. Kahle supervised its transcription for the Hebrew text of the third edition of Biblia Hebraica (BHK), published in Stuttgart, 1937.

Lin Tzu-ling

Speaking at an opening ceremony of a seminar in September 2012 held by National Taiwan Normal University, Lin reiterated ROC sovereignty claim over regions in South China Sea and East China Sea based on ROC geography, history and international law.

Lydia Grigorieva

In 2011 she took part in a seminar at the London Book Fair titled At the Crossroads of Culture: Russian Writers Living in London.

Lynda Myles

She served as director of the Edinburgh International Film Festival (1973–1980), director and curator of film at the Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Berkeley, Senior Vice–President at Columbia Pictures, Commissioning Editor for Drama at the BBC for two years, and as co-Executive Director of the East-West Producers' Seminar from 1990–1994, a training program for young producers in Eastern Europe.

My 5 Wives

The ladies go to a women's equality seminar where the speaker, Dr. Van Dyke (Molly Shannon), preaches that women should dominate the relationship and be completely equal to their "lesser halves."

Neal King

He attended the Ecole de Musique in Nice, France and both the Institute for Educational Management (2002) and the Seminar for New Presidents (2007) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Örjan Sandred

Sandred was teaching composition at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm for 1998–2005 and he has been a guest lecturer at IRCAM, Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique in Paris, at the Bartok Seminar in Szombathely in Hungary, at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, at McGill University in Montreal, at Harvard University, at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and other places.

Paul Ekman

On February 27, 2009, he was a guest presenter at the Science of a Meaningful Life seminar "Building Compassion, Creating Well-being", along with University of California, Berkeley and Greater Good Science Center Executive Director Dacher Keltner.

Paweł Przytocki

He perfected his skills at the Bartok International Seminar with Péter Eötvös and the Master Conducting Course within the Oregon Bach Festival in Eugene, Oregon, USA with Helmuth Rilling.

Phil Lodico

In June 2009, he appeared as the featured speaker on the Trademark Track Panel at the Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association’s (LAIPLA) Spring Seminar, where he addressed various domain name issues including ICANN and the proposed introduction of new gTLDs.


On a typical RB-47H reconnaissance mission covering 5,984 mi (9,360 km), the aircraft would fly from Thule, Greenland to the Kara Sea to Murmansk and then return only to find Thule weathered-in, forcing the flight from the air-refueling/decision point near the northeast shore of Greenland to one of three equidistant alternates: Goose Bay, Labrador, London, or Fairbanks, Alaska.

Ron Powers

In addition to writing, Powers has taught for the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Salzburg Seminar in Salzburg, Austria, and at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont.

Scott Meyers

Meyers conceived and, with Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu, Dan Saks, and Steve Dewhurst, co-organized and presented the boutique (limited-attendance) conference, The C++ Seminar, which took place three times in 2001-2002.

Several complex variables

After 1945 important work in France, in the seminar of Henri Cartan, and Germany with Hans Grauert and Reinhold Remmert, quickly changed the picture of the theory.

Shuna Scott Sendall

Scholar and one of Malcolm Martineau’s Crear Scholars, and also attended the Lake Placid Institute International Vocal Seminar, working with Phyllis Bryn-Julson, Susan Webb, Ian Partridge, Patricia Macmahon and Jennifer Lane.

Sundanese alphabet

As follow up to the local regulation, on Tuesday, 21 October 1997 in the main hall of Japanese Language Study Centre, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor; a seminar entitled "Lokakarya Aksara Sunda", in cooperation with the government of West Java Province and the Faculty of Literature Padjadjaran University, was held and attended by delegations from local communities and cities in West Java.

Syed Aqeel-ul-Gharavi

# International Seminar on Mulla Sadra at Jamia Millia Islamia in collaboration with the Ministry of Irshaad (Moral Guidance) - Delhi - 1992

Tasmantrix thula

The species name is derived from the Greek geographic location thule which refers to a northern land first described by Pytheas and is to signify the geographic location of this species within the

The Total Picture Seminar

The Total Picture Seminar, a California LLC, was formed by Actor Martin Landau, Director Mark Rydell, and Screenwriter/Playwright Lyle Kessler.

Thomas Jefferson Education

Level I is an introduction to the Five Pillars and the Classics/Mentors model of education includes attending a seminar, submitting a form to a facilitator, and reading and discussing the following books: The Chosen, Jane Eyre, The Lonesome Gods, Little Britches, Laddie, The Merchant of Venice, and A Thomas Jefferson Education.

Thule Society

The Thule Society attracted about 250 followers in Munich and about 1,500 in greater Bavaria.

Todd Levett

He was also selected to participate in the Fleet Seminar program for national security strategy operated by the U.S. Naval War College.


The Roman author Plinius, who lived during the first century AD, claims that the world's furthermost place at Thule or Tyle is the place described by the Greek Pytheas from Marseille, who travelled from the Mediterranean to the North in 300 BC.

Vladimir Makarenko

He participated in many international conferences, among them International Conference on Linguistics in Bucharest (1967), Seminar "National Build-Up and Literary/Cultural Process in SEA" (1996) in Moscow, Russian-French Symposium on SEA in Moscow (1997), EUROSEAS Conference in Hamburg (1998), ECIMS- XI in Moscow (1999) etc.

Yale Seminar

The Yale Seminar took place at Yale University, June 17-28, 1963 to consider the problems facing music education and to propose possible solutions.


In a 1964 seminar, the psychoanalyst and theorist Jacques Lacan observed that the myth reveals an interesting aspect of human cognition: While animals are attracted to superficial appearances, humans are enticed by the idea of that which is hidden.

see also