
unusual facts about Thurlow

Tom King's Coffee House

Tom King was born in 1694 to Thomas King, a squire from Thurlow, Essex, and Elizabeth Cordell, the daughter of Baronet Sir John Cordell.

Alan Thurlow

In March 2013, Thurlow appeared in an episode of Who Do You Think You Are, in which the comedian John Bishop traced his great-great grandfather to the city of Chichester.

Bunyip aristocracy

A Committee, consisting of Messrs. Charles Cowper, T.A. Murray, George Macleay, E. Deas Thomson, J.H. Plunkett, Dr. Douglas, W. Thurlow, James Macarthur, James Martin, and W.C. Wentworth, appointed on the motion of W.C.Wentworth, held its first meeting, Sydney, 27 May 1853.

Great Wratting

Many of the older houses in the village were once estate cottages on the Thurlow Estate, now owned by the Vestey family, and date to the 16th century or earlier.

John Kendrick Bangs

Thurlow's Christmas Story (1894)
In 2009, The Library of America selected this story for inclusion in its two-century retrospective of American Fantastic Tales, edited by Peter Straub.

John Madge

Cyril Bibby comments with reference to them as well as Maurice Dobb, the twins Francis and Roualeyn Cumming-Bruce, Margot Heinemann and "the beautiful Eileen Wynne" that "it was noticeable how many of these extreme left-wingers came from privileged upper-class homes" (Reminiscences of a Happy Life, p.171)

MacMillan Bloedel

--now owned by who?--> located at Thurlow and Georgia Street in downtown Vancouver was a highlight of the early architectural career of Arthur Erickson, who advocated the use of concrete as "the new marble" and employed it in the building's stark design, which is often compared locally to a concrete waffle.

Thomas Thurlow

During his life, Thurlow completed many works for local people and various churches, including a memorial to Sir C. Blois from Cockfield Hall in Yoxford Church, a life-size statue of Samuel Clouting in Kelsale Church, a marble bust of Richard Garrett III in Leiston Church, and a commission from William Long of Hurts Hall to carve a rose and spray for the entrance to his mansion.

Vader's Quest

Thurlow Harris, a captured Rebel pilot who barely escaped the Death Star battle, informs him of the pilot's identity—Vader's son, Luke Skywalker—and Vader sets up a plan for catching him, which eventually fails.

see also