In this film, a young boy named Tenzing leaves for Tibet after his mother passes away to live with his Father in the prairies and encounters a true friend in form of a golden Tibetan Mastiff.
Mouse, of The Dresden Files, is a Tibetan Mastiff, or as Harry Dresden calls him, a "West Highland Dogasaurus".
Tibetan Buddhism | Tibetan | Tibetan people | Standard Tibetan | Tibetan culture | Classical Tibetan | Tibetan Empire | Tibetan art | English Mastiff | Tibetan Plateau | Tibetan antelope | Mastiff | Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture | Tibetan Mastiff | Tibetan cuisine | mastiff | Tibetan Youth Congress | Tibetan Spaniel | tibetan plateau | Tibetan Freedom Concert | Tibetan diaspora | Tibetan Culture | Tadiran Mastiff | CIA Tibetan program | Bible translations into Tibetan |
The Gaddi is thought to have been developed by the Asur King Mahidant of Meerut by crossing the wild dingo-like hounds (these dingo type dogs are not dholes but are a type of wild mastiff type of pariahs, descended from the massive Hyrcanian dogs), found in the Jamuna Khader region of India, with the Sha-Khyi variety or fighting line of Tibetan Mastiffs for hunting purposes.