
unusual facts about Tibetan antelope


Shahtoosh - specific kind of shawl, woven with the down hair of the Tibetan antelope


In Tibet, the argali must regularly compete with other grazing species for pasture, including Tibetan antelope, bharal, Thorold's deer and wild yaks.

Liang Congjie

The organization worked with the Chinese government to ensure enforcement of existing environmental law, including efforts to protect a Tibetan antelope which were on the path to extinction and videotaping the cutting stands of old-growth forest in Western China that led to a 1999 order by Zhu Rongji prohibiting cutting down such trees.

see also


However, over-hunting and a decrease in food supplies has led to a large decrease in the population of the Tibetan Antelope, Argali, Kiangs, Musk deer, and Snow leopards in these regions, reducing them to the status of endangered species.