The article was supposed to be published in the Swedish Social Democratic magazine Tiden, but it was never completed.
Björk was the editor of Tiden between 1951 and 1956 and became editor-in-chief to the newspaper Ny Tid in Göteborg 1956-1963.
He began as a journalist apprentice with Hamar Arbeiderblad and continued as a journalist in many weekly workers papers including Tiden in Arendal, Fremtiden in Drammen and Arbeidernes Pressekontor in Oslo.
Tiden |
Den Yttersta Tiden is the debut EP by the Christian black metal band Admonish.
Kvinnen og Tiden (Woman and Time) was a Norwegian magazine for women, published from 1945 by Henriette Bie Lorentzen, Kirsten Hansteen and Eva Rønnow.
He's successfully shown his range in several different theatre productions, a.o in Almqvist's Drottningens juvelsmycke, Bulgakov's Mästaren och Margarita (The Master and Margaret), Brecht's Tolvskillingsoperan (The Threepenny Opera), Botho Strauss' Rummet och tiden, Molière's Misantropen (Le Misanthrope) and Brecht's Den goda människan i Sezuan.
There, he republished the Tiden newspaper together with his son Jacob Wulfsberg (1809–82); the newspaper is still published as Drammens Tidende.