
unusual facts about Tim Ferriss


Tim Ferriss, Pulitzer-prize winning photographers Deanne Fitzmaurice and Vincent Laforet, and entrepreneur Chris Guillebeau have all taught classes on the creativeLIVE platform.

Dan Dascalescu

He completed the P90X program and presented his findings at the 2011 Quantified Self conference, contrasting it with the Occam Protocol described by Tim Ferriss in Four Hour Body.

Pareto principle

The Pareto principle was a prominent part of the 2007 The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

see also


SV Angel also participated, along with individuals including Rob Solomon, Tim Ferriss, Brian Lee, Gil Ebaz, Brandee Barker, Chase Jarvis, Randi Zuckerberg, Jason Mraz, and Rachel Zoe, as well as others.