McNamara has also established a Climate Change Council with a number of prominent environmentalists and business leaders including Tim Flannery and Ian Lowe.
Australian palaeontologist Tim Flannery's book, Astonishing Animals, written in collaboration with painter Peter Schouten, describes some of the more outlandish animals alive on Earth.
Each house is named after an accomplished Australian scientist: Tim Flannery, Elizabeth Blackburn, Fiona Wood and Peter Doherty respectively.
Tim Flannery, scientist and Australian of the Year 2007, grew up in Sandringham in the 1950s.
Tim Flannery and Peter Schouten, Astonishing Animals: Extraordinary Creatures and the Fantastic Worlds They Inhabit.
The generic name means "Tim's Mimic" and combines the name of both the discoverers' son Timothy Rich and palaeontologist Tim Flannery with a Latin mimus, "mimic", a reference to the presumed affinity of the species with the Ornithomimosauria.
Tim Burton | Tim Pawlenty | Tim Rice | Tim Allen | Tim Hortons | Tim Kaine | Tim Berners-Lee | Tim Tebow | Tim McGraw | Tim O'Brien | Tim Finn | Tim Curry | Tim Buckley | Tim Robbins | Tim Henman | Tim Conway | Tim Bowness | Tim O'Reilly | Tim Hudak | Tim Hagans | Tim Winton | Tim Russert | Tim Rattay | Tim Powers | Tim O'Brien (musician) | Tim Daly | Flannery O'Connor | Tim Walberg | Tim Pat Coogan | Tim Flannery |
Recent winners of the Australian Humanist of the Year include Gareth Evans (1990), Robyn Williams (1993), William Hayden (1996), Philip Nitschke (1998), Peter Singer (2004), Tim Flannery (2005) and Peter Cundall (2006), Lyn Alison (2010) and Dr Leslie Cannold (2011).
It is named after the Telefol ethnic group, who knew the animal long before it was discovered scientifically by the Australian zoologist Tim Flannery.