Directed by animator Tim Maloney, and produced by Disney for ABC's "One Saturday Morning" children's television programming, the skits used Adobe After Effects and Photoshop computer software to manipulate photographs from a school yearbook.
The surreal video was created by then-Disney animator Tim Maloney using his company's equipment during after-hours, and is the first-ever music video for a Negativland cut.
Under the stewardship of animator and sometimes Negativland collaborator Tim Maloney, the tracks were submitted via FTP, collated, mastered, and pressed to CD.
Tim Burton | Tim Pawlenty | Tim Rice | Tim Allen | Tim Hortons | Tim Kaine | Tim Berners-Lee | Tim Tebow | Tim McGraw | Tim O'Brien | Tim Finn | Tim Curry | Tim Buckley | Tim Robbins | Tim Henman | Tim Conway | Tim Bowness | Tim O'Reilly | Tim Hudak | Tim Hagans | Tim Winton | Tim Russert | Tim Rattay | Tim Powers | Tim O'Brien (musician) | Tim Daly | Tim Walberg | Tim Pat Coogan | Tim Flannery | Tim Booth |