
unusual facts about Time in France

Time in France

In 1911, Metropolitan France adopted GMT+0 (the solar time of Greenwich) as its official time, and used it until 1940 (with GMT+1 used during the summers from 1916 to 1940).

see also

Christopher Forbes

Jefferson was an active oenophile and wine collector, who spent much time in France in the 1780s and whose interest in wine is well documented.

Claud Hamilton, 1st Lord Paisley

Then in 1579 the privy council decided to arrest both he and his brother, Lord John Hamilton (c. 1535–1604) (afterwards 1st Marquess of Hamilton), to punish them for their past misdeeds; but the brothers escaped to the Kingdom of England, where Elizabeth I of England used them as pawns in the diplomatic game, and later Claud lived for a short time in France.

Clisson et Eugénie

Count Orlov had spent time in France and was associated with the favourites of Tsarina Catherine the Great during this period.

Frances Burney

Although the conditions of their time in France left her isolated from her family, Burney was supportive of her husband’s decision to move to Passy, outside Paris.

Henri Perreyve

He was an influential figure, and linked by friendship with the Catholic leaders of the time in France: Ozanam, Montalembert, Cochin, and especially Jean-Baptiste-Henri Lacordaire.

J'ai Rencontré Le Père Noël

The film stars Karen Cheryl, who was a popular singer at the time in France, as both Simon's schoolteacher and as the Fairy.

John Singleton the Younger

After his big race success, Singleton spent time in France, as trainer to the Duke of Orleans, but this employment came to an end with the coming of the French Revolution.

Maia Wojciechowska

She was born in Warsaw, Poland, spent some time in France and England, and later came to the United States with her parents.

Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily

During the Orléans’ time in France prior to Louis-Philippe's coronation, the family lived in the Palais-Royal which had been the home of Louis Philippe's father, the previous Duke of Orléans.

Morning Rain

Included with the single is a demo of "Proof" (which would be recorded for I Am Kloot) and a live version of "Twist" from a February 14, 2001 gig in Paris and features a French sung chorus too (John had spent time in France prior to I Am Kloot's formation and he busked on the streets).


Olla podrida, a Spanish dish, which, at one time in France, protocol decreed be served to Spanish dignitaries.

Thanassis Stephopoulos

The resulting sensory perception in this first period of his work is the series of Nature morte, which were exposed for the first time in France at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in Salon d'Automne at Grand Palais, at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen and elsewhere.

Tommy Wiseau

Wiseau spent some time in France before moving to Chalmette, Louisiana.