Fuller's parents, Timothy Fuller and Margaret Crane Fuller, were married in 1809.
Buckminster Fuller | Timothy Leary | Timothy Dalton | Timothy Spall | Timothy West | Timothy F. Murphy | Simon Fuller | Timothy Geithner | Timothy Zahn | Timothy Hutton | Samuel Fuller | Timothy Hackworth | Timothy Greenfield-Sanders | Timothy Findley | Bryan Fuller | Timothy McVeigh | Thomas Fuller | Robert W. Fuller | Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern | Timothy Matlack | Robert Fuller | Leslie Fuller | John Alexander Fuller Maitland | Fuller Theological Seminary | Timothy Parker (puzzle designer) | Timothy Parker | Timothy Freke | Timothy Bradley | Roy Fuller | J. F. C. Fuller |
Fuller's uncle Abraham owned the home at the time, and the Fuller family moved in shortly after Timothy Fuller's unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts as an Anti-Mason.