William Hedley, Timothy Hackworth and Jonathan Forster all worked at Wylam Colliery for Christopher Blackett (1751-1829), and there produced the famous early steam engines Puffing Billy (1813-1814) and Wylam Dilly (1815)
At Wylam, Timothy Hackworth also employed a blastpipe on his earliest locomotives, but it is not clear whether this was an independent discovery or a copy of Trevithick's design.
:Built by Slaughter, Grüning and Company, This locomotive was named after Timothy Hackworth, a famous engineer.
Timothy Hackworth (1786–1850), steam locomotive mechanical engineer
The steam locomotive engineer Timothy Hackworth, who worked with Stephenson, was also born here.
Timothy Hackworth's father was foreman blacksmith at the colliery and his son was born in the village in December 1786.
Timothy Leary | Timothy Dalton | Timothy Spall | Timothy West | Timothy F. Murphy | Timothy Geithner | Timothy Zahn | Timothy Hutton | Timothy Hackworth | Timothy Greenfield-Sanders | Timothy Findley | Timothy McVeigh | Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern | Timothy Matlack | Timothy Parker (puzzle designer) | Timothy Parker | Timothy Freke | Timothy Bradley | Christopher Timothy | Timothy Well | Timothy Thomas Fortune | Timothy Sullivan | Timothy Mowl | Timothy Manning | Timothy H. O'Sullivan | Timothy Harrington | Timothy Garton Ash | Timothy F. Ritchey | Timothy Fok | Timothy Ferriss |