
2 unusual facts about Timothy Findley

Cannington, Ontario

Cannington was home to the author Timothy Findley, who wrote a memoir, From Stone Orchard, about his experiences living at a farm on the outskirts of Cannington.

Timothy Findley

Timothy Findley received a Governor General's Award, the Canadian Authors Association Award, an ACTRA Award, the Order of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Award, and in 1985 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Lauren B. Davis

Early in her career, Davis was mentored by Timothy Findley, at the Humber College School for Writers, where went on to be mentor herself (2007-2009).

Marian Engel

From 1965-1985 she corresponded with literary peers and friends such as, Hugh MacLennan, Robertson Davies, Dennis Lee, Margaret Atwood, Timothy Findley, Alice Munro, Margaret Laurence, Matt Cohen, Robert Weaver, Graeme Gibson and more.

Tamarack Review

Notable writers whose early work was published in Tamarack include Timothy Findley, Hugh Hood, Alice Munro, Jay MacPherson and Mordecai Richler.

see also

Bailleul, Nord

This area is also a setting in the Timothy Findley book The Wars.