
3 unusual facts about Tobor the Great


Tobor ("robot" spelled backwards) is a fictional robotic character, featured in the 1949-1954 American science-fiction TV-series Captain Video and His Video Rangers, and in the 1954 movie Tobor the Great (described as one of the most important works of the science-fiction canon at the time).

Tobor the Great

His colleague Professor Nordstrom develops an alternative robot spaceman, "Tobor" (the reverse anagram of "robot"), which is stolen by enemy agents.

Tobor's design was the brainchild of Robert Kinoshita, television and film effects man and prop designer who would later go on to design Robby the Robot from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet, as well as the B9 environmental control robot from the 1960s hit sci-fi series Lost In Space.

see also