
2 unusual facts about Tony LeVier Flight Test Safety Award

Tony LeVier Flight Test Safety Award

2008 - Flight Test Safety Database Team: Barton Henwood, NASA/DFRC; Rodrigo Huete, FAA (Ret); John Hed, FAA; Greg Lewis, National Test Pilot School

2012 - The Boeing Company 787 Flight Test Team: Mike Carriker, Randy Neville, Jennifer-Ellen Gessler; Federal Aviation Administration 787 Flight Test Team: Eugene Arnold and John Hed

Gentex Corporation

The company holds active industry memberships in such organizations the U.S. Navy League; SAFE Association; National Defense Industrial Manufacturers Association; and Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP), which features such distinguished members as Buzz Aldrin, John Glenn and Wally Schirra, and where Gentex presents the annual Tony LeVier Flight Test Safety Award.

see also