
6 unusual facts about Torres Strait


The original inhabitants, the Hiamo, were Western-Central Torres Strait Islanders originally from Yama in the Torres Strait.


In 1990 it was first recorded in Australia in the Torres Strait and in 2001 it was detected on the Australian mainland in the Northern Peninsula Area at the tip of the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland.

Lisa Millar

She next moved north to Townsville, where she worked for the regional television broadcaster, WIN TV, for a year, after which she crossed to the ABC as its North Queensland correspondent, covering a large area stretching from Torres Strait to the outback mining community of Mount Isa, and down to the Whitsunday island chain.

Nathanael Orr

In 1941 he volunteered as a mechanic for the armed forces, serving in north Queensland and the Torres Strait until the end of World War II in 1945.

Steve Wettenhall

He also continued to represent indigenous clients in Cape York and was retained periodically by Aboriginal legal services in the Torres Strait, Gulf of Carpentaria, Mount Isa and Cairns to represent their clients.

Torres Strait

Torres Strait is mentioned in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea as a dangerous strait where the submarine, the Nautilus, is briefly stranded.

Alcheringa Gallery

Alcheringa Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada that represents indigenous artists from Canada's Northwest Coast, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Solomon Islands, and Torres Strait.

Coral Sea

On the west, it is bounded by the mainland coast of Queensland, and in the northwest, it connects with the Arafura Sea through the Torres Strait.

Lucy Irvine

In 1980, Irvine responded to an advert placed by writer Gerald Kingsland and they became self-imposed castaways for a year on the isolated and uninhabited island of Tuin, in the Torres Strait between New Guinea and Australia.

see also

1842 in birding and ornithology

John MacGillivray sails as naturalist on board HMS Fly, despatched to survey the Torres Strait, New Guinea.


Indigenous Australians, Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

The Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Strait, led by Alfred Cort Haddon, recorded songs and speech from Mer / Murray Island, Mabuiag / Jervis Island, Saibai Island, Tudu Island and Iama / Yam Island.

Doris Pilkington Garimara

In May 2008 she was awarded the $50,000 Red Ochre Award which is made to an indigenous artist for their outstanding, lifelong contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts at home and abroad.

Linda Lavarch

Prior to being appointed Attorney-General, she held the position of parliamentary secretary to the Minister for Energy and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy, John Mickel.


Eddie Mabo, a man from the Torres Strait Islands who fought a court case, attempting to assert a legal title over his tribe's traditional lands

Mervyn Bishop

2000: He was awarded the Australia Council's $50,000 Red Ochre Award, through its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board.

Mills Sisters

Mills Sisters is a group of three sisters from Torres Strait Islands, Rita and twins Cessa and Ina.

Quoin Island

Quoin Island, Torres Strait North of Cape York Peninsula, Australia

Wesley Enoch

Wesley has been Artistic Director of Kooemba Jdarra Indigenous Performing Arts, an Associate Artist with the Queensland Theatre Company, Resident Director with the Sydney Theatre Company, Artistic Director of Ilbijerri Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Theatre Co-Operative and Associate Artistic Director Company B Belvoir St.