
6 unusual facts about Trịnh Khải

Đặng Thị Huệ

However, Trịnh Khải organized an army and fought against his half-brother and destroyed all her supporters.

Trịnh Cán

His mother was Đặng Thị Huệ who undertook a war to retain his place as king, but her armies were defeated by warlord Trịnh Khải.

Trịnh Khải

Đoan Nam Vương Trịnh Khải (chữ Hán:鄭楷, 1763-1786) was one of the Trịnh lords in northern Vietnam.

Trịnh lords

Trịnh Khải - Ruled 1782–86 with the name/title "Doan Nam Vương".

The new Trịnh Lord, Trịnh Khải, fled from his rebellious army and then committed suicide after being captured by a small band of rebellious peasants.

Trịnh Sâm

In 1782 as Trịnh Sam was dying, he tried to leave control over Vietnam to his son (from his favorite concubine, Đặng Thị Huệ), Trịnh Man, but his rightful heir, Trịnh Khai organized an army and fought against his half-brother.

see also

Trịnh lords

Trịnh Cán - Ruled September - October 1782, defeated by his half-brother Trịnh Khai.