
unusual facts about Trajectory


To neglect the action of the atmosphere, in shaping a trajectory, would have been considered a futile hypothesis by practical minded investigators, all through the Middle Ages in Europe.


trajectory |


It was to be a target of NASA's EPOXI comet-exploration mission in December 2008; however, the comet was not recovered in time to set up the trajectory for the flyby with sufficient accuracy.

Alcubierre drive

For example, if one wanted to travel to Deneb 2,600 light years away and arrive less than 2,600 years in the future according to external clocks, it would be required that someone had already begun work on warping the space from Earth to Deneb at least 2,600 years ago, in which case "A spaceship appropriately located with respect to the bubble trajectory could then choose to enter the bubble, rather like a passenger catching a passing trolley car, and thus make the superluminal journey."

Battle of Walaja

He launched campaigns against the Sassanid Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) and thus set in motion a historical trajectory that in just a few decades would lead to one of the largest empires in history.

CheyTac Intervention

The CheyTac Advanced Ballistic Computer (ABC) System software package uses tabulated bullet flight data derived from high speed Doppler Radar test sessions, and mathematical models to predict ballistic trajectory.

Cima Tosa

On July 18, 1865 they departed from San Lorenzo in Banale, advanced through Val d'Ambiez and having passed over the Forcolotta di Noghera approached the mountain over the vedretta d'Ambiez through the south-east slope along the trajectory that constitutes nowadays the 'Via Normale'.


Mars cycler (or Earth-Mars cycler), a spacecraft trajectory that encounters Earth and Mars on a regular basis, or a spacecraft on such a trajectory

Lunar cycler, a spacecraft trajectory that encounters the Earth and the Moon on a regular basis, or a spacecraft on such a trajectory

Da Vinci Schools

For a recent Engineering project, students learned about mechanics and motion, then constructed a Medieval-style Trebuchet to calculate the trajectory of a ball’s travel from its starting point to its ending point represented by a quadratic equation.


Defunct satellites from cancelled programmes may be flown as DemoSats, for example the maiden flight of the Soyuz-2 rocket placed an obsolete Zenit-8 satellite onto a sub-orbital trajectory in order to test the rocket's performance.

E.G.D. Cohen

Later with Denis Evans and Gary Morriss in 1990 he proved that for certain classes of thermostatted nonequilibrium steady states the relevant transport coefficient the transport coefficient has a simple relation to the sum of the largest and smallest Lyapunov exponents describing the trajectory of the N-particle steady state system in phase space.

Energy drift

Energy drift is often used as a measure of the quality of the simulation, and has been proposed as one quality metric to be routinely reported in a mass repository of molecular dynamics trajectory data analogous to the Protein Data Bank.


Her body was sent on a trajectory into Thanagar's sun, Polaris, the heroes' resting place in Thanagarian tradition.


The trajectory of the so (소; "small") size singijeon projectiles was fairly flat and – like other spinning projectiles – experienced the Magnus effect.

Kounotori 3

The rocket flew smoothly arching out over the Pacific Ocean on a southeasterly trajectory 51.6 degrees titled to the Equator.


The Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS) and the Norwegian SAR model compute the net trajectory of search objects and provide a probability density area based upon Monte Carlo methods.


Direct fire or Line-of-sight fire, shooting directly at a visible target on a relatively flat trajectory


Lissajous orbit, an orbital trajectory resembling a Lissajous curve

Lob bowling

The last regular bowler of lobs in international cricket was George Simpson-Hayward in the period before the First World War and he bowled under arm bowling with a lower trajectory than most earlier lob bowlers, imparting great spin to the ball with constant variation of pace as well.

Low-energy transfer

Edward Belbruno and James Miller of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory had heard of the failure, and helped to salvage the mission by developing a ballistic capture trajectory that would enable the main Hiten probe to itself enter lunar orbit.

Maine State Route 237

The route follows a roughly southeast-to-northwest trajectory, passing through the center of town and crossing over US 202 and SR 4.

Norwegian rocket incident

The rocket, which carried scientific equipment to study the aurora borealis over Svalbard, flew on a high northbound trajectory, which included an air corridor that stretches from Minuteman-III nuclear missile silos in North Dakota, all the way to the Russian capital city of Moscow.

NSU Spider

Invented by Felix Wankel, the Wankel engine differed from a piston engine because the quasi-oval design of the combustion chamber, containing a rotor that ascribed within the chamber an Epitrochoid shaped trajectory, enabling the combustion pressure to be converted directly into a rotary motion.

O Street

"September 1981" chronicles Angela's downward trajectory, and the eerily parallel "Afterbirth" delineates Beth's own struggle with single motherhood after having gotten pregnant while prostituting herself at a Days Inn.

Old Jews Telling Jokes

" Its chapters consist of jokes and humorous anecdotes contributed by several Jewish personalities, including Ed Koch, Norman Stiles, John Pleshette and Annie Korzen. In the introduction Hoffman says his book "categorized the jokes into chapters, roughly tracing the trajectory of the Jewish experience in America".


It is allowed to rescale the number of particles, because the Lorentz force depends only on the charge to mass ratio, so a super-particle will follow the same trajectory as a real particle would.

Peter Jenniskens

The first Novato meteorite, a L6 type chondrite fragmental breccia, was found by Novato resident Lisa Webber following Jenniskens' publication of the trajectory of the fireball from video recorded by stations of his Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance project.


Their predictability usually deteriorates with time and to quantify predictability, the rate of divergence of system trajectories in phase space can be measured (Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, Lyapunov exponents).

Project Highwater

Project Highwater was an experiment carried out as part of two of the test flights of NASA's Saturn I launch vehicle (using battleship upper stages), successfully launched into a sub-orbital trajectory from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Project Solarium

On the heels of his 'Cross of Iron' speech in April 1953, President Eisenhower was increasingly concerned about the trajectory of US foreign policy, in as much as it leaned heavily toward militancy vis-a-vis the Soviet Union.

Silvio Santos

His trajectory has lead to many comparisons between him and Sr. Richard Branson, the British Baron.

Sirius visualization software

The full trajectory or selected frames can be exported as QuickTime video or a set of POV-Ray scene snapshots that can later be converted to a high quality movie.

Stone, Time, Touch

The third trajectory is more subtle and is represented by Gariné Torossian herself whose face is super imposed from time to time in this stylistically-layered documentary.


Flight rules that prohibited overflight of land were suspended, with the trajectory taking the vehicle over or near Cape Hatteras, Cape Cod, and parts of Canada.

Uncommon Law

: The frustrated Mr Haddock, unable to make his golf ball follow its intended trajectory, is heard to utter a stream of swear words, and is summoned under the Profane Oaths Act 1745 which creates differing penalties for different classes of people, including gentlemen, to whom the highest rate is applied.

see also