
unusual facts about Transcript


The Transcript, Ohio Wesleyan University's student-run newspaper

Alternative splicing

The Sxl protein is a splicing repressor that binds to an ISS in the RNA of the Tra transcript near the upstream acceptor site, preventing U2AF protein from binding to the polypyrimidine tract.

Charter of Ravanica

The Ravanica charter is not preserved in original, however, there is a well preserved copy of the Vrdnik transcript of the 17th century.

Douglas Gayeton

A transcript of interviews the filmmaker conducted with key immigration figures in the US and Mexico while making the film were cited by Congress and read into the Congressional Record during the drafting of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

Endometrial stromal sarcoma

This translocation leads to the fusion of two polycomb group genes, JAZF1 and JJAZ1, with production of a fusion transcript with anti-apoptotic properties.

ESPN The Magazine

Outtakes: A transcript of an interview from The Dan Patrick Show with a sport star mostly talking about non sports issues.


Eteplirsen is a Morpholino antisense oligomer which triggers excision of exon 51 during pre-mRNA splicing of the dystrophin RNA transcript.

Griffin v. Illinois

Illinois law gives every person convicted in a criminal trial a right of review by writ of error; but it is necessary for the defendant to furnish the appellate court with a bill of exceptions or report of proceedings at the trial certified by the trial judge, and it is sometimes impossible to prepare such documents without a stenographic transcript of the trial proceedings, which are furnished free only to indigent defendants sentenced to death.

György Almásy

He published a very important article on the teller of the Kyrgyz epic of "Manas" about a farewell meeting between the Kyrgyz hero and king Manas with his two-month-old child, Semetei (the magazine Keleti Szemlé, 1911-12.) It included a Latin transcript of the Kyrgyz-language text of the episode.

Hit Parader

The exclusive joint interview turned out to be simply a transcript from a Howard Stern radio show telephone interview with the duo.


The hsrω-n transcript directly or indirectly affects the localization/stability/activity of a variety of proteins including hnRNPs, Sxl, Hsp83, cAMP response element binding binding protein (CBP), Drosophila inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (DIAP1), JNK-signalling members, proteasome constituents, lamin C, ISWI, HP1 and poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase.

Iván Szelényi

In 1974, a transcript of a book which he wrote with fellow sociologist and author György Konrád, titled The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power, was brought out of Hungary.

Jerzy Popiełuszko

Ronald Harwood's documentary drama The Deliberate Death of a Polish Priest was premiered at the Almeida Theatre in 1985 October — an early example of a theatre transcript of a trial, in this case the trial of Popiełuszko's murderers.

John Bridgers

He encountered a program where major NCAA infractions had surfaced in the basketball program under Norm Ellenberger, prompting an FBI investigation into transcript-rigging.

Lincoln's Lost Speech

Editor of the Chicago Tribune Joseph Medill claimed that Chicago lawyer Henry Clay Whitney's transcript of the speech was accurate; Whitney's version was later debunked.

Lucian Dan Teodorovici

He has contributed prose, drama, and articles to various cultural magazines in Romania and abroad, including Au sud de l’Est (Paris), Transcript (London), Lampa (Warsaw), Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest), The Guardian (London), Absinthe: New European Writing (U.S.A) etc.

Mary P. Sinclair

Public Broadcasting Service carried the show nationally, and the transcript was printed in the Michigan Education Association's publication, Teacher’s Voice.

Mir-199 microRNA precursor

Within Dynamin3 gene (Dnm3), miR-199 is associated with miR-214 and both miRs are transcribed together as a common primary transcript, demonstrated in mouse, human and zebrafish.

Murder of Julia Martha Thomas

Elliott O'Donnell, writing in his introduction to the trial transcript, described Webster as "not merely savage, savage and shocking... but the grimmest of grim personalities, a character so uniquely sinister and barbaric as to be hardly human".

Non-coding RNA

Xist (X-inactive-specific transcript) is a long ncRNA gene on the X chromosome of the placental mammals that acts as major effector of the X chromosome inactivation process forming Barr bodies.

Oraibi, Arizona

Oraibi features prominently in a famous writing by Aby Warburg, "Das Schlangenritual. Ein Reisebericht.", which is the transcript of a lecture given in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland in 1923 (English translation "Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America"; also translated into many other languages).

Paul Klebnikov

The book is a transcript of a lengthy interview with Chechen rebel leader Khozh-Ahmed Noukhayev, conducted in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The Daily News Transcript

By 1980, the Transcript -- then called the Daily Transcript -- was the flagship of a five-paper chain, Transcript Newspapers Inc., that included the News-Tribune of Waltham and three weekly newspapers in West Roxbury-Roslindale (neighborhoods of Boston), Newton and Needham (suburbs west of Boston).

The Daily News Tribune

By 1980, the News-Tribune was part of a five-paper chain, Transcript Newspapers Inc., that included the Daily Transcript of Dedham and three weekly newspapers in West Roxbury-Roslindale (neighborhoods of Boston), Newton and Needham (suburbs west of Boston).

Thuringian sausage

The oldest known reference to a Thuringian sausage is located in the Thuringian State Archive in Rudolstadt in a transcript of a bill from an Arnstadt convent from the year 1404.

United States – Russia mutual detargeting

In 1997, during a debate over an amendment that would require the president to certify that Russia had detargeted its missiles, Representative Curt Weldon (R-PA) introduced into the Congressional Record a transcript of a 60 Minutes interview with Russian generals which stated that Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles could be retargeted to point to US targets within a matter of minutes.

Virginia Satir

Steve Andreas, one of Bandler and Grinder's students, wrote Virginia Satir: The Patterns of Her Magic (1991) in which he summarized the major patterns of Satir's work, and then showed how Satir applied them in a richly annotated verbatim transcript of a videotaped session titled "Forgiving Parents".

Walter of Coventry

But for the years 1201-1225 it is a faithful transcript of a contemporary chronicle, the work of a Barnwell canon.

see also