This is the rarest of all single transits involving the eight planets, owing to the long synodic period of 172 years (of Uranus from Neptune), the very small apparent diameter of the Sun (1.07 arc-minutes, close to the limit of human visual resolution) as seen from Neptune, and the mutual inclination of the two orbits, 1.5 degrees, which is less than that of most planetary pairs.
Neptune | Uranus | Rapid transit | Edmonton Light Rail Transit | Toronto Transit Commission | rapid transit | Bay Area Rapid Transit | New Jersey Transit | Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority | GO Transit | York Region Transit | transit of Venus | SBS Transit | Ford Transit | Chicago Transit Authority | Neptune (mythology) | Ford Transit Connect | transit | Light Rapid Transit | Edmonton Transit System | Dublin Area Rapid Transit | Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company | Brisbane Transit Centre | Sailor Neptune | Rosa Parks Transit Station | New York City Transit Authority | Interborough Rapid Transit Company | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority | Viva (bus rapid transit) | Uranus (mythology) |