In January 2012, Translators without Borders (partnered with the University of Geneva, Acrolinx, the University of Edinburgh and Symantec) launched the international research project ACCEPT.
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Scottish Borders | Borders Group | Reporters Without Borders | South Australian borders | Northern Territory borders | Lyne, Scottish Borders | Engineers Without Borders | Cardrona, Scottish Borders | Broughton, Scottish Borders | The Glen, Scottish Borders | Mercy Beyond Borders | Cavers, Scottish Borders | Beyond Borders | American Translators Association | Words Without Borders | William Donald Borders | Translators Association | Rivers Without Borders | Paxton, Scottish Borders | Nisbet, Scottish Borders | List of listed buildings in Coldingham, Scottish Borders | Lisa Borders | Lawyers Without Borders | Engineers Without Borders (USA) | Engineers Without Borders (Canada) | Eccles, Scottish Borders | Bowden, Scottish Borders | Borders of Mexico | borders Group | block and fortify the country's western borders - and to destroy several adjacent villages in the process |