
3 unusual facts about Transpersonal ecology

Transpersonal ecology

Transpersonal ecology is largely associated with Warwick Fox, although the work of some other people, such as Rupert Sheldrake and James Lovelock, has some relevance to the field.

Boucovolas also suggests that literature on sacred places, such as that by Paul Devereux, may be germane to this field.

More recently, Hutton (2003), in reviewing Fisher's book on the subject, has written very favourably of transpersonal ecology, and notes that while eco-psychology has been around for at least 40, 000 years, it was not until 1992 that Theodore Roszak coined the term "eco-psychology".

see also

Growth Fetish

To this he contrasts the stance of the "transpersonal ecology" described by Warwick Fox: this is "centred on the notion that only the ego-involved, contracted self can imagine itself to be distinct from the natural world and that expansion of the self beyond the boundaries of the personal necessarily means that one's awareness, and ground of concern, extends to the natural world" (page 194).