
2 unusual facts about Transylvania Panorama

Transylvania Panorama

It was painted by many painters under the direction of Jan Styka in the Lwów (Lviv) rotunda, located in Stryjski Park, the same place where the Racławice Panorama was painted.

The battle of Sibiu was fought on March 11, 1849 between the Hungarian Transylvanian Army led by the Polish general Józef Bem and the coalition of Austrian and Russian armies commanded by Generals Puchner and Skariatin.

Jan Styka

His renowned panoramas include "Bem in Siedmiogrod" (1897), "The Martydrom of Christians in Nero's Circus" (1897), and at the Wrocław Branch of the National Museum of Poland is the monumental collaboration "The Battle of Racławice" painted in 1894.

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