
2 unusual facts about Tras


Maronesa is a primitive cattle breed from the Trás-os-Montes region in Portugal, which closely resembles the extinct aurochs, the wild ancestor of domestic cattle, in several features.

Miranda do Douro Municipality

Referred to as the "Cidade Museu" of the Trás-os-Montes region, it is located 86 kilometres from the district capital, preserving many of its medieval and Renaissance-era traditions and architecture.

Count of Trastámara

Its name comes from the Latin Tras Tamaris, referring to the Tambre, a river which runs through Galicia.

Gaita transmontana

Muitos defendem que o termo gaita mirandesa seja um tanto impreciso, visto que a cidade de Miranda do Douro é apenas uma pequena região do território tido como Trás-os-montes, por onde o instrumento está tradicionalmente disseminado, sobretudo nas comarcas de Vinhais, Bragança, Miranda e Mogadouro.

Hyacinthoides paivae

Hyacinthoides paivae is endemic to the north-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, including western parts of Galicia (A Coruña, Ourense and Pontevedra provinces) and north-western parts of Portugal (Beira Litoral, Douro Litoral, Minho and Trás-os-Montes provinces).

Largo David Alves

By the 19th century, the popularity increased with people from the provinces of Minho, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro that arrived by medical advice to cure several health problems, by breathing the air and diving in the rich iodine seawaters of Póvoa, in a popular movement that occurred in the European Atlantic coast since the 18th century, from Biarritz to Póvoa de Varzim.

T. V. Honan

His son Dermot was a senator from 1965 to 1973, and Dermot's widow Tras was a senator from 1977 to 1982.

Technology readiness level

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) uses the following guidelines throughout the department in conducting Technology Readiness Assessments (TRAs) and developing Technology Maturation Plans (TMPs).

see also